Example sentences of "but it [is] one that " in BNC.

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1 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
2 Whether they can be mapped seismically within or below thrust sheets is more of a problem , but it is one that the industry seems confident of defeating in other parts of the world .
3 This biographical approach has its weaknesses , but it is one that an amateur often finds easy to handle .
4 This is not a problem that is confined to the sociology of religion , but it is one that arises frequently when students wish to study ‘ closed ’ sects or new religions which they believe ( probably quite correctly ) would not allow them to carry out their research — there is an unmeasured but , I suspect , strong relationship between the theological conservatism of a religion and the distrust with which its believers view sociologists .
5 For example , the view that taking extra vitamins may be harmful does not ring true ; the possibility of harm is acknowledged but it is one that is regarded as remote and pedantic .
6 These fish appear to rely on a rapid circulation of plasma to meet their oxygen needs ; what advantage ( if any ) this stratagem confers is not clear , but it is one that would not be feasible in warmer oceans where the oxygen content of the water is lower .
7 This can be a difficult and expensive process , but it is one that delivers a range of environmental benefits .
8 Kelvin 's scale of temperature , the only true ratio scale of temperature since it has a non-arbitrary zero point , is not simply a mathematically more powerful scale or one that is invariably more useful , as far as the latter is concerned quite the contrary , but it is one that " incorporates a profound understanding of how a certain class of phenomenon works " .
9 A trip to the blood donors may seem like a strange topic to write about in a staff magazine but it is one that took my mind back a few years to the first time my mum persuaded me to go .
10 Er , it 's not a funding system that er that we would choose to work under , we would want to keep the rents as low as possible er , but it 's one that 's set by central government through the housing corporation and that we have to live with .
11 But it 's one that I 've already decided to put right .
12 You 've had a bad experience , but it 's one that happens to both men and women and you should have forgotten it long ago .
13 I think that we look very favourably on schemes whereby an education process is involved erm where there are workshops and performance , but it becomes a total package in itself — it 's not just a performance for an ethnic minority , but it 's one that represents the fact that we live in a multi-cultural society itself .
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