Example sentences of "but it [is] not [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Getter is a component added to control out-gassing , but it is not 100% effective .
2 It provides a check on the arithmetical accuracy of the double entry , but it is not proof that the transactions have been correctly recorded .
3 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
4 That there was no canopy may be part of why I say that if it 's raining the balcony is wet , but it is not part of what I say .
5 Learning is necessary ; but it is not part of what is meant by higher education .
6 But it is not man 's activities alone which can be held to account , for man is also a part of the natural ecosystem .
7 But it is not policies on Europe which will decide Jim 's vote but the ability of party leaders to get the best deal for Britain from the Continent .
8 Detail like this provides retrospective labelling , but it is not evidence about a historical period .
9 The text of Gloriana is finely literate , but it is not literature .
10 This is direct experience , but it is not drama — not until there is some pretence involved , some symbolic representation , some intention to make believe .
11 But it is not language nor , it would seem , will it ever be .
12 The candidates , all seven of them , are still canvassing hard but it is not conversions they really expect now , just promises to turn out and vote .
13 As violinist Mischa Elman said after recording an excerpt from Gounod 's Faust , ‘ it will do , but it is not Faust — it is Faust de-composed ! ’
14 But it is not Palomar 's regrets at not having cultivated ‘ precise nomenclature and classification ’ that concerns us here .
15 I wish to be at home with you indeed , indeed-my Joy is only in the bud here I am like that Tree , which fronts me — The Sun shines bright & warm , as if it were summer — but it is not summer & so it shines on leafless boughs .
16 But it is not confrontation itself which creates the tension in dramatic terms .
17 They prefer to be unlocked but it is not prison to them . ’
18 So , too , if you shift my bicycle from a public stand in order to get at your own , and forget to replace mine so that it is stolen by someone , that may be trespass , but it is not conversion .
19 If they freely abdicate that power , what they consent to may have popular support , but it is not democracy .
20 I believe one of the forms of philander does occur in the Rift Valley , but it is not nichollsi .
21 You have n't got to think of this in terms of finding the answer for all time , because the answer changes all the time , but what you have is a continued process of approximate answers , but it is n't chaos .
22 Freeing herself , Luce responded quietly , ‘ I 'm very sorry , Paul , but it is n't nonsense , and I do mean it . ’
23 I agree she has to learn , I agree she ca n't go on like this , but it is n't naughtiness .
24 Is he , did , he 's labelled this wrong anyway , he 's called this interviewed date for data fifty three , but it is n't interview data , it 's count data oh Wigan do you
25 But it is n't tea , either !
26 It 's a fancy enamel but it is n't enamel is it ?
27 " Yes I do , but it is n't Grace Rumblebow "
28 Yeah , but it is n't summer yet !
29 But it 's not love , it 's just a long series of tactics . ’
30 I 'm pleased but it 's not compensation for all of the trauma we have suffered or the money we have lost if we had invested it elsewhere .
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