Example sentences of "but to [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A few hours later he was at a mega Hollywood party , the Welsh wonder from Stratford-upon-Avon , declaiming Shakespeare , drinking soundly , reciting Dylan Thomas , singing , story-telling , perhaps a little over the top , one or two thought , but to the majority a marvellous new whirlwind of talent and animal energy .
2 Great towering clouds were massing behind Big Allen but to the west the sky was as clear as the inside of a mother-of-pearl-lined shell , of a pale , tender , pink-stained azure .
3 The sky above Quatre Bras was dirtied by the camp-fires , but to the east the rising sun betrayed a much vaster quantity of rising woodsmoke .
4 To the west of this point oceanic lithosphere of the Indian Plate is currently being subducted below the Sunda Arc but to the east the Arc is in collision with the continental shelf of northern Australia ( this is marked on Figure 3.14 ) .
5 To a landlord a dwelling may be a unit of accommodation or an item of investment : to a lawyer the dwelling may be a " house " or a " flat " or a set of " premises " , in other words only a legal concept ; but to the occupier the dwelling is his home …
6 But to the right the level sea stretched far away — an ocean on which a westbound mariner sticking to this latitude need not ( once he had cleared the complicated coastline of Panama itself ) strike any land whatsoever until he met the Philippine Islands of Mindanao , Palawan and the skerries of the Sulu Sea , 13,000 miles away .
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