Example sentences of "but now it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
2 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
3 But now it is called the Isle of Fincara ; for we were not left to live there long in peace .
4 But now it is ended .
5 But now it is understood that annual sales have slipped to only about $30m — and accumulated losses at the subsidiary are put at as much as $10m .
6 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
7 It was probably effective the first time , but now it is looked on as a desperate move , a last ditch attempt to gain attention .
8 But now it 's hoped that Longfords may be restored to its former glory .
9 ‘ Hotels like this never used to have things like tea and coffee facilities and colour TV but now it 's expected .
10 But now it 's smashed to pieces . ’
11 ( WES ) But now it 's claimed the charities are the victims of Government bungling .
12 Richard believes his playing at matches inspires the team and he said : ‘ I did it for a laugh at the first home game but now it 's taken off .
13 It may have been , but now it was inhabited by millions of hungry mosquitoes !
14 But now it was welded into the living flesh .
15 The ecstasy she 'd felt the night Rune had ensured the silence of the lur blowers in City Hall Square had overpowered and exhilarated her , but now it was eclipsed by the knowledge that he loved her .
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