Example sentences of "but then [vb base] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When asked whether that might be so , Charles denied any such connection , but then put the Adjutant 's suggestion to good use .
2 However , the charge is often returned by environmentalists who note how much farmers pride themselves on being ‘ stewards ’ of the English countryside for the benefit of future generations and for the nation at large , but then deny the right of anyone else to have a say in how it should be maintained for them .
3 But then take a hospital series like Casualty which has been quite explicitly set in the context of a decaying health service .
4 Yeah but then list the name , then list the
5 This presents gaps in the text which surprise at first , but then allow the imagination to intervene and to draw on the richness and depth of the images to fill the spaces with one 's own interpretation .
6 These will be shared ownership properties whereby the purchaser will buy a percentage usually forty to fifty percent but then pay a rent on the remainder and they will er , be able to staircase to buy further parties into an outright ownership .
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