Example sentences of "but i [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't , I have n't got a clue but I knew it the minute the second you said it I knew it .
2 I have tried the Cotherstone cheese made today but I prefer something a little drier .
3 Some people do n't do anything — some people 's places really are n't clean … well , this one is n't very , but I keep it the best I can .
4 But I remember something a counsellor said on one of the courses .
5 Yeah I know but I mean what a way to look .
6 But I mean what the pay relative to us the cost of living and everything else , I do n't know .
7 But I made him a vow , ’ she shrugged .
8 I did n't know Tonya very well , but I wish her the best . ’
9 He said : ‘ The van was not there at 6pm but I noticed it a little bit later .
10 It suits her cos her face is more , but I 'd something a bit longer .
11 like , I might make a determined effort , but I know what a
12 I do not know what the answer is , but I know what the answer is not .
13 ‘ I thank you , Mr Aycliffe , ’ Theda said drily , ‘ but I know him a little better than that ! ’
14 But I like it a bit stronger than that .
15 ‘ Sorry , but I make it a rule never to have working lunches — so bad for the digestion , I find .
16 But I told him the best publishers to try — the pink-ohs , you know .
17 People say they become imperceptive ; they spend hours looking for the car keys that were on the table in front of them all the time ; they become preoccupied and inattentive to what other people are saying to them ( ‘ But I told you the Smiths were coming over yesterday .
18 ‘ Wild geese , mon vieux , is what you presume me to chase , ’ said the gentleman to Bramble , ‘ but I assure you the stable door is bolted . ’
19 ‘ It may not seem so now , but I promise you a miscarriage is one of nature 's mercies . ’
20 This was no doubt very wicked of them , but I bear them no animosity at all : I had done what I wanted to do , which was to obtain a glimpse of the Caucasus from the most easternly town of any size in Turkey .
21 " But I call you a whore ! "
22 I parted with a feeling that it would be a long time before I earned her forgiveness , but I did her an injustice .
23 But I give them a so then I saw Mrs on Tuesday when I was at Ashington .
24 I do n't , cos it ai n't polite with strangers , but I give her a real nice smile instead .
25 She would n't say even then but I plagued her a bit till she could n't keep it to herself any longer .
26 Its a very stressful situation and its a very artificial situation , very often your on your own and there 's a lot of things happening , your in busy traffic or your on a very dangerous road or whatever and I think sometimes and I 'm not saying there 's any difference between male and female as far as that 's concerned but I think its a way of your , getting your er aggression out
27 But I think what the Franks Report illustrates to me very , very clearly indeed is that , within a parliamentary democratic system of government , there are some issues which are insoluble in that the government of the day … are incapable of delivering through the House of Commons .
28 I have played my part in defending the role of banks and the necessary role that they have , but I find myself a little outflanked by the new enthusiasm .
29 I gather this is normal practice but I find it a little unreasonable .
30 It is neither the ninety seven thousand , nine hundred and fifty seven pounds claim by Mr nor the forty seven thousand one hundred and eighty five pound figure contended for by Mr but I find it a fair figure for the cost of the plaintiff 's transport in the years ahead .
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