Example sentences of "but this [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can never entirely eliminate human error and oversight , but this gimmick of marking replies to searches , etc , minimises the possibility of your forgetting to pass on to your client vital information that might give time to consider whether or not to proceed with the purchase , such as the fact that redevelopment of the area within the next ten years is contemplated .
2 The big creatures stand quite high from the background , but this depth of cutting is only to make the contours clear ; the surface is a flat plane , details lightly modelled or engraved on it .
3 But this style of resolution also has disadvantages .
4 Some excavators use a tape recorder , and the recordings are later transcribed , but this type of recording tends to be in addition to , rather than in place of , the more structured recording on printed forms .
5 But this type of contact also demonstrates that the neighbourhood police see themselves as having a welfare function .
6 But this type of spirituality has nothing to do with mysticism .
7 But this type of development was more evident in the centralized royal states .
8 But this type of information presupposes that the recipients have the necessary vision and can read , and that they are sufficiently orientated to understand what they are reading .
9 The lad has learned a harsh lesson for doing something daft , but this type of injury could happen to any player at any time in training .
10 But this degree of involvement takes its toll on policewomen in the unit .
11 At present , six to eight tenders are made for each bus contract but this element of competition may be reduced or disappear if the eight municipal companies are sold to one or other of the large bus companies .
12 It was not any supposed inherently violent trait in the Spanish character , but this element of desperation which made the Spanish Civil War the brutally barbaric conflict it was .
13 But this measure of performance is a very narrow one and nothing more than an indication of stewardship .
14 Sir , Over the past few years the tide of public opinion has been turning strongly against smoking , but this tide of public opinion was stemmed somewhat , albeit inadvertently , by the valiant efforts by tobacco companies .
15 A tense connection between the Sun and erratic Uranus , makes for a very unpredictable week , but this blend of energy and tension could spur you onwards .
16 But this chorus of praise has been cancelled out by opponents who question both the fiscal and museological sense of the transaction .
17 As a result of these pressures we are forced to modify somewhat our style of approach in order to shed light upon certain aspects of our main topic which have remained unexplored hitherto , but this modification of style , as will become clearer in the sequel , does not invalidate our earlier approach , but rather structurally complements it .
18 But this course of action brings with it the disadvantages of AJR procedure already discussed .
19 But this lack of depth is no indication of the enormous dimensions of the subject .
20 It is n't a visually exciting package — there are no fancy icons — but this lack of adornment makes it very fast : you can tag , copy or delete files in a matter of seconds .
21 We are quiet in the first rounds cos we are scared of being giant-killed … but this lack of atmosphere gets to the players who rarely perform in the first rounds of the cups ? ?
22 There were , it is true , many awkwardnesses in their first communications , for none of them was much used to speaking to strangers , but this lack of practice was balanced by a strong desire on the part of all three of them to enter upon a new life in which speaking to strangers was possible .
23 But this kind of literalism can actually repel some who might otherwise enjoy the band .
24 But this kind of animation is intended to be ‘ invisible ’ and would lose its effect if obviously or obtrusively noticeable .
25 But this kind of stimulus neighbourhood he engineers point of view is actually extremely interesting and give you a hell of a lot of job satisfaction because you are getting the youngsters really involved in what it 's all about .
26 But this kind of behaviour is readily observable in all wild and domestic creatures , who soon learn their way around their own territory , as well as learning the forms , faces , voices , scents and much more which identify their human and other companions .
27 But this kind of charm must not deflect us from what de Man is saying .
28 Signals are mainly detected by observing behaviour to see which activities predictably lead to changes in the behaviour of others , but this kind of evidence is philosophically unconvincing , and is best supplemented by experiment .
29 But this kind of observation is flawed .
30 But this kind of determinism ( one denying the mediating social role of culture ) is just as misleading as the kind offered by feminists or Marxists .
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