Example sentences of "but with [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But with all the injuries and the disruption to the team I 'll settle for the two League points . ’
2 Erm I 'll make up a spreadsheet with twenty five or thirty blank columns , but with all the formulas in place
3 But with all the noise , it was hard to tell what was going on .
4 But with all the equipment at GCHQ the Government must have known a lot more than I did about the horrors .
5 But with all the right-on posturing and good intentions in the world , AIDS service provision has been reactive .
6 Warmed by the Gulf Stream and with an enviably mild climate , it feels like another country — but with all the comforts of home and duty-free shopping to boot !
7 But with all the glasnost in the world I could not accept Natasha Vitaliev 's comments ( Impressions of Britain Today ) : ‘ Women in Britain have equal rights with men …
8 Five years ago only five per cent of all diesels sold in Britain were turbocharged ; now it 's 30 per cent.The 19 DX is a fine example of a 1990s diesel — quick yet quiet ; economical but with all the trimmings of a GTi .
9 Yeah , but with all the kids crossing to other side like .
10 Tomorrow is usually explained as I am going to the theatre tomorrow but with all the slots elided except the adjunct tomorrow .
11 ‘ Oh dear , ’ Louise said , unhappily , ‘ I did so hope that you two would make a go of it , but with all the rows I do n't really know , I 'm sure … ’
12 It was all necessary , no doubt , but with all the optimism of his youth he could n't see that it looked promising .
13 But with all the military might they may summon , they can never break the resolve the people who have suffered for too long under their rule .
14 The shock , after so many years of never knowing who the man was , woke her , but with such a sense of loss at this interrupted coitus she could n't sleep again for mourning it .
15 As I see him sitting there now , sheltered under a derelict building 's covered way , one which has been empty for a tedious never-ending era , with an unchangeable lifestyle , erected for nothing but with such a prospect for life , if used properly .
16 Let us imagine , for the sake of illustration , a company being able to change its production process so that it can produce the same number of widgets but with half the number of people .
17 But with half the world 's sports Press in town , the idea that we 're a twosome could be picked up by other reporters and become accepted knowledge , ’ Ashley had protested .
18 But with half an hour gone the poor quality of United 's final ball had left Cantona stranded and still looking for a chance to put some flesh on Ferguson 's bold predictions .
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