Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It is usual to grow on the cuttings for a year so that the stock stems become somewhat thicker than a pencil but rather less so than your little finger .
2 These aspects of political choice are still important but less so now than in the past .
3 Such a view would be far too simplistic for a number of reasons , but perhaps most clearly because there is indeed a powerful and growing critique of professionals in our society — and a critique which is well founded !
4 They became strong and agile swimmers , still vulnerable to attack but much less so than the invertebrates .
5 Even the ticking-over rate of about 10 pulses per second is probably quite costly , but much less so than the maximum rate of 200 per second .
6 The figures in Table 4 show how many of these responsibilities were eventually reduced , prior to the Korean War , but much more slowly than Keynes and others called for .
7 And now she concentrated the whole of her mind and her brain and her will up into her eyes and once again but much more quickly than before she felt the electricity gathering and the power was beginning to surge and the hotness was coming into the eyeballs , and then the millions of tiny invisible arms with hands on them were shooting out towards the glass , and without making any sound at all she kept on shouting inside her head for the glass to go over .
8 But basically as far as you are concerned you can get that sort of dividend yield , which is brilliant because i y as a tax-payer if you can te ten percent erm the , the fund is written as a unit trust and you 'd be paying seven you 'd be paid seven and a half percent on that one , so which one would you choose ?
9 Men like Pericles controlled policy not through any power vested in them but only so long as they could persuade the people .
10 Learning is a ‘ free commodity ’ , but only so long as we are thinking of knowledge as a source of intrinsic , expressive rewards .
11 Conti 's opinion was that reconciliation could be achieved , but only so long as the Scriptures were understood to speak the language of common people .
12 Paschal 's grant of 1103 certainly extended the primacy to Anselm 's successors , but only so far as it had been ‘ enjoyed by Anselm 's predecessors ’ .
13 But only so far as this : that the Pioneers did not in fact succeed in creating the Manufacturing Society as a Co-operative .
14 Sometimes the Constitution limits the executive or subordinate local bodies ; sometimes it limits the legislature also , but only so far as amendment of the Constitution itself is concerned ; and sometimes it imposes restrictions upon the legislature which go far beyond this point and forbid it to make laws upon certain subjects or in a certain way or with certain effects .
15 Suppose it is clear that convention does not dictate an answer either way in McLoughlin : convention requires that precedents be followed , but only so far as a new case is like the precedents in relevant facts , and no past case has decided whether damages must be awarded for emotional injury away from the accident 's scene .
16 Then he strode away — but only as far as the corner of the hearing room , temporarily out of range of the television cameras .
17 Bull said it still continues to be part of ACE Consortium , but only as far as desktop Intel-based systems are concerned : it refused to be drawn over the question of whether its relationship with IBM would result in it favouring OS/2 over Windows 3 , saying only that ‘ Windows is what our customers are buying today ’ .
18 Be careful to spread the legs , not as far as they can go , but only as far as is comfortable .
19 As fate had a habit of doing , it had played what he termed a rather dirty trick for although Martin and his father before him had both found the running of the estate anything but easy as far as money was concerned , this young man would be better off than either of them , for Martin had only within the last year taken out two very large policies on his life , the second when he knew he was going to be married .
20 But just as suddenly as it had begun all this ended three years later , leaving the halls deserted .
21 But just so long as they take me somewhere where there 's the right kind of electricity …
22 You praise and criticize as appropriate but always authentically rather than to create an effect .
23 In Cantal the stocking density is rising , but more slowly presently than it did between 1955 and 1970 ; in Powys it is increasing more and more rapidly .
24 Other dinosaur track evidence reveals a medium-sized biped weighing about half a ton , seeming to run at 43kph , which is faster than a man but still considerably slower than a racehorse .
25 Just then the telephone rang , not as softly as before , but still more quietly than usual .
26 Again , local authorities vary , but probably not more than 3 or 4 , including any under-5 's of your own .
27 I remember incidents like these , I think , because I was about seven , the age at which children start to notice social detail and social distinction , but also more particularly because the long lesson in hatred for my father had begun , and the early stages were in the traditional mode , to be found in the opening chapters of Sons and Lovers and Lawrence 's description of the inculcated dislike of Mr Morrell , of female loathing for coarse male habits .
28 Demands for action to clean up sulphur dioxide emissions from power stations , widely believed to be responsible for the ‘ acid rain ’ that was killing forests , lakes and rivers — not just in Scotland , but as far afield as Germany and Scandinavia — were brushed aside on the grounds of inconclusive evidence ; a similar attitude was taken towards the radioactive discharges from the nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield .
29 She saw that she must do exactly that — run away from him as he had suggested , but as far away as she could go !
30 They were more likely to use paper tissues , mainly because of the convenience but often more simply because of the location of tissues in the house .
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