Example sentences of "but [prep] [art] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't loud and she could n't distinguish anything he said , but during the time she was in the closet she could hear it droning on , with breaks here and there when her mother must be speaking .
2 He 'd had a real pimple when he arrived , but during the time he took to find and bribe an official to provide the documents , the blemish had healed , .
3 There will be a few overcast or windless days when the batteries will not be adequately recharged and a traditional generator will have to be called upon , but in the time they are charging , wind generators and solar panels will easily pay for themselves in saved fuel costs .
4 Of course that is n't all that 's involved in doing physics , not at all — there are other aspects of actually having ideas about physics , but in the time they will see some pattern emerging within that experiment .
5 But in the time it takes me to do this , the incoming train has reached the other end of the station platform .
6 But in the time it takes these children to ask for a drink of water an accomplice has slipped in the back and helped himself .
7 but from the time they moved in she noticed red squirrels .
8 The attitude of the New England colonies was probably well suited to the commercial and industrial society that was emerging in the seventeenth century , but at the time they made less impression on the world than the others .
9 ‘ Some of them were , as a matter of fact , but at the time they did n't have the signs to tell them so . ’
10 The religious wounds he opened up have never again entirely healed ; but at the time they literally tore the country in two .
11 But at the time they thought that was all they could get , and they decided to go for half a loaf rather than the whole .
12 The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years .
13 ‘ That was what he was good at but at the time we did n't consider him any better than players we had at the club .
14 ‘ That was what he was good at but at the time we did n't consider him any better than players we had at the club .
15 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
16 I really regret it now , but at the time everything was right up to there , you know .
17 McMillan was stopped in the eighth round because his left arm had been viciously dislocated from its shoulder socket — but at the time our Colin was hanging on for grim life .
18 But at the time his name was unknown .
19 ( Perhaps it was a little strange , Alice thought later , but at the time she was not surprised . )
20 But at the time she had no awareness of any such details , though her senses missed none of them .
21 This may be ; but at the time there was a case to be made for the new policy satisfying the demands both of expediency and humanity .
22 The court heard how the speed limit has been reduced in Akers Way , but at the time there was a temptation for drivers to speed .
23 This we read with great interest , but at the time my husband merely made enquiries about leaving his body for medical research and was told there was not a teaching hospital near enough to accept him .
24 Now I am very ashamed of the way I felt but at the time my feelings were very strong .
25 But at the time he was glad to leave .
26 Lewis treasured this conversation in after years , but at the time he found it disconcerting and annoying .
27 But at the time he had no one with the expertise to guide him , and was very easily influenced by the persuasive arguments of the last person he spoke to on any given subject .
28 By temperament he could never be a member of a group , but at the time he was associated with a talented wartime circle which included Max Jacob , the poet Cocteau , the composer Eric Satie , the painters Juan Gris , Kisling , Foujita and , more rarely , Picasso and the sculptors Archipenko , Zadkine and Lipchitz .
29 ‘ I do n't see how anybody can pick up a guitar nowadays and not give some credit to Jimi Hendrix because , at the time — people do n't remember this — but at the time he came out , people were ready to give up the guitar and go onto other instruments .
30 After the event it looks very much as if his campaigns overstrained the resources of his empire and made it impossible to hold together , but at the time he was seen as the greatest of conquerors .
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