Example sentences of "but [subord] it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Concentrate on a particular activity or function that uses a variety of information types , but where it is considered that some improvement is needed .
2 For expositional reasons , we shall need to use the word utterance in various ways in this book , but where it is used to contrast with sentence it should be taken in the sense advocated by Bar-Hillel , as a sentence ( or sometimes string of sentences ) paired with a context .
3 In his own words he was seeking to get immigration control on a basis where it was firm but where it was administered with some degree of compassion for the individual case ’ .
4 King Alfred brought it into his translation of Boethius too , to explain why divine Providence does not affect free will : ‘ What we call God 's fore-thought and his Providence ’ , he wrote , ‘ is while it is there in His mind , before it gets done , while it 's still being thought ; but once it 's done , then we call it wyrd .
5 There are manifest dangers in the way a relative norm is chosen , but once it is accepted that relative validity is all we can aim at these need not worry us unduly .
6 If this is not practical , you could try cooking a chicken to eat cold over several days ; but once it is cooked , divide it up into the meal portions you require , and place them in the freezer or refrigerator as appropriate .
7 u τ depends on the flow as a whole , but once it is specified , the structure of the wall region is specified .
8 But once it was asked , his whole character and political stance gave him little alternative but to say ‘ yes ’ .
9 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
10 Much work was needed to prepare enough radium to treat patients , but once it was made , it was a more convenient source of radiation than the apparatus , extremely primitive by modern standards , which produced X-rays from electric discharges .
11 Not only that , but once it was established that their corporal had an interest in me , every movement I made , almost every breath I drew , was reported back to him , including a very innocent ride I had one evening round the perimeter track in a jeep driven by one of the Flying Control Officers .
12 We either ignore it , but if it 's done in public you feel threatened , or you feel that you are showing weakness if you just ignore it .
13 Not always noticed because if it 's called Cements it does n't look like a foreign company , but if it 's called Mitsubishi or something well , it will stand out .
14 I nearly always write with an acoustic , but if it 's tuned to an open chord you will obviously have to write something different ; if you stick a capo on it you 'll write something different ; if I use an amplifier and an electric guitar I 'll write something different again .
15 It might look good to turn up with such a grand vin , but if it 's opened on the night , even Mouton this young would be unpalatable , a horrid waste of money .
16 But if it is repeated too often the incessant jigging of hands makes the audience restless , too .
17 But if it is pressed too far , medical imagery can lead to a sense of inevitability and passiveness which is inappropriate in resolving doubt .
18 The House of Lords Select Committee understood the provision to relate to development plans but if it is implemented in the UK ( and this depends somewhat on MAFF taking an unusually enlightened view ) it could pave the way for farm development plans incorporating conservation and agricultural measures .
19 But if it is discovered and threatened , it twists its legs outwards and arches its back in such an extreme contortion that it suddenly and disconcertingly exposes its underside — and that is a vivid scarlet , a spectacular warning that its skin contains a burning poison .
20 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
21 But if it is regarded as a report that 's covered already .
22 An alternative procedure which appears to be acceptable to HM Land Registry is to apply for office copies of the registered title ( Form 109 ) ; this incurs the same fee ( £8 ) as an index map search , and following the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1991 it is not necessary to specify the name of the proprietor ; if the land is not registered the application will be rejected , but if it is registered the receipt of office copies gives the opportunity to check the charges register for mortgages .
23 Other non-book materials have particular storage and retrieval problems , which are probably less urgent than illustrations , but if it is decided to place copies of RBG slides in the Library , they can be handled by the technology envisaged .
24 Explain to your customer that if your price is paid now or in one month that is one thing , but if it is paid in six months or more then that is another , that other thing being your costs of financing which come straight off your profit margin .
25 But if it is proved the club received pension money , it will be given back .
26 But if it is experienced as hostile , it may provoke the carer into actions which are atypical and frequently followed by remorse and guilt .
27 The animal half of the early embryo develops as a simple ball of cells — but if it is combined with cells from the vegetal pole a normal , but smaller embryo will develop .
28 There is no need for special rules for classic cars , but if it is considered that such rules are required , the most appropriate method is to determine the benefit by reference to the cost to the employer rather than original price .
29 As with redundancy , do not bring up the subject yourself but if it is discussed do not lie .
30 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
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