Example sentences of "but [det] [noun] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are 2,300 harmless species of snakes and only 400 poisonous ones , but few people take the trouble to find out which is which .
2 Everybody knows that college teachers have long holidays , but few people appreciate the variety or intensity of the demands made on college teachers .
3 But few people realise the huge part they play in the lives of those who need help .
4 Vehicles that can provide 100 kilometres of driving from 6 litres of fuel are on the market , as well as in manufacturers ' laboratories , but few people buy a car solely because of its fuel economy .
5 Herbaceous borders or mixed borders , or even the island beds of herbaceous perennials which make an interesting alternative , are a standard feature in many gardens , but few garden-owners take the word " herbaceous " literally and grow nothing but herbs in their beds or borders .
6 The nature of the work and the environment in which you operate is a matter for your choice , but few careers offer the variety of opportunity provided by the solicitors ' profession .
7 But some actors prefer the risks .
8 But some residents think the field they 've chosen is inappropriate :
9 But some residents think the field they 've chosen is inappropriate :
10 But some memories take a long time to go … especially when they 're being preserved by Historical enthusiasts .
11 But some farmers say the idea is simply not practical.Jessica Fowle reports .
12 The cleavage line is only rarely retained in adult insects but some species have a similarly situated sulcus of different morphological and functional significance .
13 MOST spiders weave webs that are all but invisible , but some species include a very conspicuous broad band of silk across the middle of the web .
14 But some experts fear the advertisements could actually make the problem worse .
15 But some experts believe the KGB 's true total workforce is nearer two million and includes any Russian visiting or working abroad such as journalists , airline personnel and trade representatives , since every Russian is expected to spy for his country and upon other Russians too .
16 But some bankers have an acute awareness of where their loyalties lie and the idea of winding Eurotunnel up and continuing the project with a new management company may have its attractions .
17 Your choice is limited to halophytes , but some plants prefer the salty water and sandy base to the usual soft , acid waters and gravel base of many community tanks .
18 These services have brought in new customers — Lombard NatWest claims more than 300 — but some rivals say the marketing of these services has been less aggressive during the recession , given the higher risks often associated with new business .
19 But some villagers believe the National Trust 's developement plans are blatant commercialism … covering an area as big as the village itself …
20 But some boatmen fear the new regulations could destroy their livelihoods .
21 It is always difficult to measure the exact outcome of health policy but some indicators give the picture .
22 Velvets with the pile running upwards can become dust traps but some people prefer the darker , richer colour that results .
23 But some people feel the cold more than others .
24 ‘ I like to make jokes , but some people have no sense of humour , that is all , ’ he said defensively .
25 There is a general assumption that degreasers are less aggressive products , based either on a glycol ether or sodium metasilicate , but some manufacturers apply the description to highly caustic products that would be more appropriately defined as caustic cleaners or decarbonisers .
26 But this lad make a mistake and he come down to the my sisters house , and my sister and her husband took him in and he 'd fallen and cut his brow , and after he was kind of sobered up he turned down and he said Not a story about this now James .
27 To see the impact of relaxing this , we return to equation ( 4.9 ) , but this time allow the cost curve to be pushed downwards by managerial effort in controlling costs between periods t- 1 and i .
28 But such officers do the King best service in the end .
29 Note that at the level of phonology we can abstract smaller elements such as the phoneme /g/ in glad , but such segments have no formal meaning .
30 The forward tilt is admirable but these chairs have a disadvantage : by placing the knees on a pad the feet , with their receptors , are prevented from being placed flat on the floor .
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