Example sentences of "but [adv] they [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The symptoms of allergies appear with dramatic suddenness but mercifully they often disappear as quickly following treatment .
2 They have to have public support or their jobs would be untenable , but perhaps they also need to be less rigid and more approachable .
3 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
4 Bulls can match Galloways for weight at 200 days but thereafter they rapidly fall behind , reaching perhaps 325kg at 500 days compared with the Galloway 's 415kg and averaging 270kg at 400 days old .
5 They attempt , as far as possible , to base their interpretations upon factual evidence from primary sources , but still they often disagree .
6 But inwardly they surely feel .
7 ‘ You mean they put out they 're into free fucking but really they just want to get hitched ? ’
8 Sometimes there is an appearance of caring , but really they just want the ‘ problem ’ off their hands .
9 Individual centres may go in and out of fashion , but overall they still represent a growth sector .
10 They have always had this opportunity at the University of Stirling but now they also gain national certification via SCOTVEC .
11 The first time they came it was for ‘ Bob-a-job ’ week , but now they just come .
12 But nowadays they just do n't seem to bother at all .
13 But here they just give you a few examples and expect you to do example sheets , it really is so difficult .
14 In other plants , nutrients flowing down stems are absorbed through the root system , but here they apparently pass straight into the stem .
15 They 're still completely wild , but then they also want to be remembered as a damned good band and not just as part of a mad drugs scene . ’
16 Secondly , biochemical differences in schizophrenia certainly exist , but then they also exist between people who are angry and those who are watching television .
17 But then they also see exactly what is entailed in having a newborn baby to care for , who does not sleep all day , but cries and is sick and needs constant attention .
18 But then they just say it 's so crowded over there
19 But then they abjectly apologize that due to some ludicrous technicality , they can not employ you .
20 Morels thrive briefly after a fire or bout of logging , but then they too disappear .
21 He does n't look like an axe killer , but then they never do .
22 Perhaps AM was worried that it might take some of the momentum away from their PostScript imagesetter but then they hardly seem to be setting the world alight with that either .
23 But then they suddenly listen to what you say and they think , well that 's funny , I was thinking about that when I was saying my prayers the other day .
24 But unfortunately they sometimes do kill themselves , too . "
25 There must be thousands of cases of rape or child-abuse — apart from what the security forces are up to — but again they never get talked about .
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