Example sentences of "but [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 People seem to be able to identify easily with the small local council such as the parish or town council which represents an identifiable local community , such as a village or small town and also with their traditional county , but where areas have neither an identifiable community nor an historical association , problems can develop .
2 The Directive allowed a margin of discretion in introducing national laws but where problems arise over interpretation of the Act reference may be had to the Directive .
3 But where VAT has already been paid in the EC , no additional VAT will be payable .
4 Somebody stepped down from the street and peered through the glass door but seeing Wycliffe went away again .
5 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
6 He told Richardson that a Dutch gentleman had given him Frageria chiloensis , a native strawberry from the Spanish West Indies , but although Miller had not yet seen the fruit he quoted A. F. Frézier who ‘ in his Voyages says it grows as big as a pullet 's egg … a great rarity ’ .
7 She remained in the room for a long while but although Carrie went there twice with tea for them , she found them talking in the Romany language and did not understand anything they said .
8 Bede 's reckoning from 642 for the accession of Oswiu would suggest to him the year 664 , but if Oswiu did not succeed until 643 the reference to his twenty-second year would point to 665 as the year of the council .
9 No , but if Fran walks in , if Fran walks in they 'll just put , they 'll put a toy on and they 'll take it out
10 ‘ At a time of high inflation , two or three percent flexibility a year is fine , but if inflation goes up to 12 per cent , you 're in trouble and the profit is wiped out . ’
11 There is no guarantee on PPs — you could do better , but if inflation went up , or the stock market turned sour , or the people you were buying it from were not very clever , you could do very much worse .
12 Now inflation 's very low at the moment , but if inflation took off again and got into double figures , then not only would your pensions suffer , but your bills would go up as well .
13 ‘ — but if Ross had n't twisted Owen 's arm and made him take the money we would n't have been able to afford even a shoe-box .
14 I 'm not clear what you hope to find , but if Shildon digs up anything to embarrass the MacQuillans I 'm prepared to share the credit . ’
15 But if descriptions deviate too far the products , and certainly the price structure , should be suspect .
16 But if researchers home in on the record as the first level of access , ignoring the surrounding administrative context and archival structure which forms part of its meaning , will understanding be fostered or impaired ?
17 But if Hunt had now set his mark on the F1 scene and matured , at Team Hesketh matters were quite different .
18 But if Rhodes has n't set the world on fire with his batting , he certainly has with his fielding .
19 But if Conservatives have always been agreed on the main danger they face , and have always agreed on the basic means to combat it , they have not , Eccleshall argues , always been agreed on the precise manner of exercising authority and maintaining social discipline .
20 But if purists lost out , so too did those who envisaged greater freedom and equality in sexual relations with men .
21 But if predictability broke down in the very strong gravitational fields in the big bang , it could also break down whenever a star collapsed .
22 But if marriage turns out to be less than satisfactory in the arena of personal fulfilment , this is not only for the marriage partners .
23 ‘ It should be every professional 's dream to play at Wembley but if players do n't have the right attitude in training you ca n't consider them .
24 The initial plan was for one 24-hour stoppage , but if management did not respond this could turn into a rolling programme of one-day strikes .
25 But if school does not retain some ability to perform this apparently fruitless activity , it will in fact have lost its purpose .
26 He had thought they were at least speaking to one another privately , but if Jim had really sworn an affidavit he must have been listening on another telephone .
27 But if farmers did n't have enough problems a potato disease previously unseen in Britain has been found in Oxfordshire .
28 But if Geoff does n't turn up in a few minutes .
29 But if Phillis comes back and she 's still here hide under the bed . ’
30 But if religion does not match the will of God it is ultimately futile ( see , for example , Isaiah 29:13 ) .
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