Example sentences of "but [adv] a [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What we need is not so much a point irregularity such as a foreign atom , because that could only facilitate movement at one point , but rather a line defect which will allow the army of molecules , as it were , to sweep forward on a broad front .
2 Drama work in a historic setting need not involve a polished " performance " but rather a workshop situation where every pupil is encouraged to enter into the thoughts and the feelings of a historical character , or perhaps several characters in turn .
3 Feeding flies made hitching hell , but eventually a farm wagon delivered them battered and bumped — which did a lot for Hebbert 's ribs — at the Pen-y-Gwryd .
4 But slowly a capital difference between Romans and Greeks emerged .
5 As the two lead platoons secured their objectives , it looked as though the position was taken , but suddenly an enemy depth position sprang into life .
6 Under s.26(2) , a plan of the premises need not be lodged but only a site plan is required until the provisional grant is affirmed .
7 The Evolution V PC is targeted at system integrators and resellers and uses the 60MHz processor but only a 32-bit bus .
8 But soon a Kuomintang agent comes on the stage , and recognizes Sister Chiang .
9 In contrast the Barbarians ' tries owed everything to thrilling running , crisp passing and a surprisingly high level of understanding between what was a hugely-talented collection of players , but nevertheless a scratch side .
10 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
11 Although the two Korean states remained technically in a state of war ( the hostilities having been ended in 1953 by an armistice but not a peace treaty ) , many commentators felt that the December agreements laid a realistic foundation for the negotiation of a full peace treaty .
12 As the attribute ‘ lecturer ’ is a determinant but not a candidate key , it is necessary to create a new table containing ‘ lecturer ’ and its directly dependent attribute ‘ module ’ .
13 With a videocassette recorder ( but not a video player ) you can record off-air .
14 Noah was a charity-boy , but not a workhouse orphan ; he at least knew who his parents were .
15 Severe forearm bruising may be covered with both a crêpe bandage and a shin pad ( but not a shin/instep protector ) .
16 It can also make a s8 order in addition to a supervision order but not a care order .
17 It then went into the City to set up their own self-regulatory and we in fact went to see Mr Redwood and he was quite he was very quite blunt about it , he said well , they considered it when they were sid considering the investors compensation scheme , but the sum involved in pensions are so great , that they could not afford to underwrite a pension er a compensation fund for pensions , so therefore there 's a pension fund for for private investment , but not a pension fund er compensation fund for , for occupation .
18 No the only , I would say personally , I would say the best dredging method is buckets because you can , you can keep a level , you could keep a level with a sucker dredger but not a ground dredger unless like grabbing out the hole .
19 Not bad , but not a matinee idol or anything .
20 However , twice now I have heard the character state that she is not a nurse but just a care assistant .
21 It is recognised that it is almost impossible to correctly identify the characteristics of fast growers at a start-up stage but once a track record of two or three years data exists selection may be possible .
22 But yesterday a Palace statement , issued with the approval of Anne and the Queen , said :
23 The Tuns was a good pub , but hardly a counselling centre .
24 Perhaps because of the influence of Juliete De Valero Wills , now divorced from Andy but still a company director , Go !
25 But later a film spokesman said Spielberg and the others had survived and were safe .
26 A Go-Kart is in a similar position , but both a dumper truck and a Go-Kart can become ‘ motor vehicles ’ if it can be proved that they have been adapted or intended for use on roads .
27 When I looked I found I had not only a gun but also a kitchen knife and a saw .
28 The scenario envisaged here is that a buyer of a car will have a contract not only with the supplier , but also a collateral contract with the manufacturer on the basis of the terms contained in a precise advertisement , the consideration for which being the entry into the main contract of supply ( see Shanklin Pier Ltd v Detel Products Ltd [ 1951 ] 2 KB 854 ; Andrews v Hopkinson [ 1957 ] 1 QB 229 ) .
29 The Australians have not only a pavilion but also a reproduction outback sheep farm , complete with windmill .
30 The result is not only hideous , characterless uniformity in Chinese cities , but also a housing shortage of disastrous proportions .
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