Example sentences of "but [adv] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since July 1400 he had been archdeacon of Dorset , absentee but perhaps not without interest .
2 The different approaches are thus seen to be distinct , but perhaps not in conflict ; each approach is seen as an area of specialism , rather than as an area of commitment .
3 Er , and in general we have a , er , panel of the non-executive directors who set the directors ' salary in relation to the other directors I am also on that panel er , but obviously not in relation to my own salary .
4 The DES 's 1986 forecasts ( DES , 1986b ) allow the ratio to increase a little but still not to equality .
5 The blood streaking scarlet was from one of his legs , now stretched out straight before him but still not in view on account of the clouded water .
6 The idea is a relatively new one to engineering but certainly not to planet earth : collagen , keratin , chitin and cellulose are some of nature 's strong fibres and make possible everything from bones and lobster carapaces to giant sequoias .
7 To those with a commitment to the WEA 's traditional mission , there was cause for concern in some of these statistics , but certainly not for dismay .
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