Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And when it is hot , it is very hot ; but mostly it is just wet .
2 But mostly it 's either something I 've written or something old .
3 That lead singer can be quite funny , but mostly he 's just like a maddie .
4 Prime Minister David Lange may be know internationally as the David who slew the nuclear giant , but locally he 's better known as the man whose monetarist Minister of Finance , Roger Douglas , has led a successful crusade to corporatise government and unshackle the economuy .
5 It 's difficult as far as the alternatives are concerned , is that no alternatives , but effectively it 's about four times the cost to administer , because you can dip a hundred sheep off one of the er , packs and it 's a smaller pack .
6 But perhaps what is most noticeable from this and other research is that the differences seem marginal .
7 Some people say there is more sniffing in the summer , but perhaps it 's just more obvious in the long summer evenings .
8 But perhaps it 's just as well . ’
9 We 're sorry that his Mum , what 's her name ? , died , and that his Dad did n't come along with his new stepmother , but perhaps it 's just as well .
10 But perhaps it 's more a question of what I can do for you ? ’
11 But perhaps it 's as well I did .
12 I imagine it to be like the worst kind of monthly cramp and the most fierce of labour pains but perhaps it is even worse .
13 Shortage of time is a common complaint in every walk of life , but perhaps it is only a perception .
14 Erm that 's putting it bluntly because erm obviously being a volunteer is a sort of two way thing , we could n't run without volunteers , we 're very grateful for the ones we 've got but So it 's clearly a matter of whether you decide and whether you like the way we like to run things or or not .
15 No I do n't , but So it 's more or less a threesome if anything at all .
16 Both these elements are needed in an understanding of soil erosion conservation , but hitherto it is only the first which has usually been considered — and only in the first of the three location-specific senses at that .
17 But apparently he 's all right for the weekend because Saturday is a courting-free day ! ’
18 but obviously it 's pretty busy now but you know we can go to them and say this is what we found , you know
19 But inside she is only dust .
20 But personally he 's well stimulated and satisfied ? ’
21 He 's not supposed to be first , he 's only supposed to be the exhibits man , but suddenly he 's there , running down the hallway .
22 The southernmost part of Korea was a mere 90 miles ( 145 km ) from Japan ; Korea resembled Japan in having a large number of islands but only one is politically significant — Cheju-do , to the south-west of the peninsula .
23 The excitement rises with the plane but soon it is just another flight .
24 The expression " That shady City of Palme trees ' is more conventionally homophoric ; but nevertheless it is metaphorically " displaced " and encoded through the use of a distal demonstrative .
25 It does not hold such a prominent place in the village as Christ church near the pond , but nevertheless it is now too small for the congregation , so after years of searching a place has at last been found to build a new larger church on the outskirts of the village .
26 Er so it is a different role than the A fifty nine , it is a different er competing routes if you like , but nevertheless it 's still a key er l strategic link in the County Council 's or in the North Yorkshire 's highway network and has been identified as such , both in the structure plan er and also in er the transport policies and program document which is reviewed annually by the County Council .
27 So we can estimate this model although we 've got a couple of problems that we 'll come to later on , but nevertheless it 's essentially estimatable .
28 I dare say their dabblings in a wide pool of indie noise styles would gel more effectively on record , but tonight it 's just directionless and dull .
29 But tonight there 's still no word on whether he 's staying or going .
30 there was only one rugby scoreline that made the news at the weekend … which is fair enough … but tonight there 's only one that matters to us and that 's Gloucester 19 Sale 16
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