Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But most significantly they have lost the use of their traditional lands .
2 But right now we have to complete our plans for the club and plan for the future . ’
3 ‘ They will be good assets in the long term , but right now we need experience .
4 But right now I prefer freedom and independence . ’
5 ‘ You 're forthright , strong , ’ Claire said , ‘ capable of great things , like most Aries women , but right now I sense that you 're not particularly happy , and certainly there 's some indication that a lot of your unique drive has been squandered away .
6 ‘ Maybe , but right now Ah think the wind is southerly . ’
7 But perhaps also we tend even more to suppress recognition of sexual elements in the child 's feeling for us — or in our feeling for the child .
8 The range of fabrics which can be knitted is amazing , but so often we do not have time to explore them .
9 I have tried to like these wines , but so often I have been disappointed .
10 ‘ The Japanese bow low to the knees and say yes , but so far we 've seen no results , ’ said one .
11 It 's lit again at the moment , but so far we 've had something like fifteen bulbs stolen , and when that heavy rain comes , it fills the little cups and goes bang and the gentleman today , was busy drilling things out of the fuse box , where I think it had gone again .
12 But so far we 've had erm , we 've had who likes kissing and who does n't .
13 But so far we have received no direct approach .
14 ‘ It would , but so far we have n't found anyone who noticed anything useful . ’
15 The domination of the cinema screen over the audience has also resulted in experiments with ‘ smell-o-vision ’ , but so far we have thankfully been spared Aldous Huxley 's vision of ‘ the feelies ’ .
16 But so far we have found no evidence of marine transgression at Loch Ness ; though both lochs are still ‘ connected to the sea ’ via the rivers that drain them .
17 But so far we have considered only a limited part of the environment , namely the weather .
18 Er Noble Lords er know a good precedent erm y you just but I 've never seen one before and erm so far of course perhaps I 'm being unfair as there has n't been the opportunity to do so , but so far we have had no explanation from the Government as to how that list i it is proposed shall be compiled
19 He 's supposed to write to his grandpa every month but so far we have n't
20 But so far we have n't said much about schools as organisations .
21 But so far they 've had only one reply .
22 Avon and Somerset Police told us they 've been monitoring the situation closely , but so far they 've been unable to press criminal charges .
23 These people are often thoughtful and clever , but so far they have not been able to bring about worthwhile changes .
24 But so far they have not found a cause or a cure .
25 This is hot enough for fusion to occur but so far they have been unable to confine the hot plasma long enough and at high enough densities to generate more energy from fusion than is used to keep the machine working in the first place .
26 ‘ That is the only person as far as we are aware who was in the area at the time , and they must have seen what happened , but so far they have not come forward . ’
27 But so far they have all fallen on stony ground .
28 In an apparent non sequitur , the speaker added : ‘ They 've got intransigent problems , but so far they have n't succumbed to the blandishments of the communists ; that 's why the west pours money in ’ .
29 Retractable trimboards ( see picture ) can be deployed to ease steering in heavy weather reaching conditions , but so far they have not been needed .
30 The chemists say they were promised that they 'd be paid for providing the service , but so far they have n't seen a penny .
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