Example sentences of "but [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At an earlier hearing , defence solicitor Colin Nott failed in a bid to have the ban lifted , but successfully appealed at the High Court the next day to have the bail condition lifted so his client could see the baby under supervision .
2 Another of his treasures , the seventh volume of Gaud Maybellome 's Encyclopaedia of Heavenly Signs , originally written in the language of Third Dominion academics but widely translated for the delectation of the proletariat , he 'd bought from a woman in the city of Jassick , who 'd approached him in a gaming room where he was attempting to explain cricket to a group of the locals , and said she recognized him from stories her husband ( who was in the Autarch 's army in Yzordderrex ) had told .
3 But since work for the TVEI starts at the age of 14 , two years before the GCSE is to be taken , it is not clear how that examination will fit in ; for it is not yet certain how much vocationalism can be accommodated within the GCSE itself .
4 Somerset 's arrest in 1549 did not , as many expected , return the conservatives to power , but rather led to the primacy of John Dudley , Duke of Northumberland , who in alliance with Archbishop Cranmer eliminated the remaining conservatives from the council .
5 In contrast , the utility-based argument associated with Buchanan ( 1958 ) does not quarrel with when the resources are used but rather points to the fact that debt-holders have voluntarily taken up the debt and are being compensated for decreased present consumption by the enhanced future consumption that interest and repayment will allow , and hence are not made worse off .
6 But rather to join in the search for new ways forward for the common future of our society and I suggest you might do worse than try a few committees and working groups on pragmatic coalitions , collaborative democracy and local community .
7 Now the structures of practices are not always the same , but rather depend upon the various elements of the production processes they contain .
8 It is clear from these brief analyses that the nature and scope of the context that is constructed for each individual poem does not simply depend on the choice of deictic expressions in the text , but rather results from the combined effect of a wide range of variables , including the content of the text as a whole , and the attitudes and experiences that readers bring to the text or develop during reading .
9 The book , however , displays considerable skill in the plan on great power , but rather shown in the writing than the matter , and this vigour sustains a species of interest to the last .
10 It is not the purpose of this book to provide a history of coinage , however brief , but rather to focus on the methods by which coins are studied , for only when these methods are properly understood and applied can we realise the full potential of coins as an aid to interpreting the past .
11 Her morality is not dictated by patriarchal norms , but rather guided by the belief that women 's needs are her sole concern .
12 The Maggot did not seem scared , but rather stung by the challenge .
13 The West Belfast MP said the Stormont discussions were not designed to criticise the police , but rather to relate to the Minister the fear felt in the city .
14 Surely most people join the National Trust not to further some obscure and cranky cause ( special societies already exist for these causes ) but rather to help in the enjoyment of places of beauty in this country .
15 The argument in the present book identifies no one set of factors as determining the others , but rather focuses on the separate but interlinked dimensions of society whose appreciation is necessary to understanding .
16 A Second interim report ( Cmd. 6794 ) , published in April 1946 spelled out the points in greater detail , but additionally referred to the community aspects of settlement .
17 But somewhere hiding in the core of you , is there not a little worm of insecurity ?
18 The views of prominent members here are best expressed in a motion originating from Wickham Bishops branch , passed at the Essex Federation AGM in May 1957 , considered by the District Executive in the following month but eventually withdrawn from the agenda of the subsequent District Council :
19 Communist influence in the ILP began to increase rapidly , largely owing to the work of the Revolutionary Policy Committee which began as an independent minority working within the ILP but eventually merged into the Communist Party .
20 It is a feature of most surveys concerned with older people that they enumerate the care received by older people but rarely ask about the care that is provided by older people themselves .
21 The paramilitary control the main roads but rarely venture into the labyrinthine streets across the Kashmir valley , controlled by militants .
22 This is something that has been advocated for disadvantaged communities across Europe but rarely gets past the rhetoric stage .
23 Usually it was a fed faced , moustached elder , who spent his working days milking and dung spreading , but secretly dreamed of the Albert Hall .
24 Providing an assurance to parents that children are not only well fed but properly supervised during the mid-day break adds to the appeal of a school and could well be the deciding factor which finally influences parental choice in sending their child to your school rather than to your neighbour 's .
25 The woman was unhurt , but badly shaken after the attack , according to police .
26 There was a woodland of spruce and pine ahead , where the ground began to climb toward a low , sinuous ridge that was the only feature on this otherwise flat horizon ; it rose like a shadow from the plain , dense with trees but delicately etched around the edges .
27 In fourth gear , the 325i takes 7.3secs to cover 30 to 50mph — respectable but effectively matched by the Vauxhall Cavalier 2000GSi 's 7.4secs .
28 A lowering of HDL-cholesterol , with elevation of serum cholesterol and triglyceride , has been well documented in non-diabetics ( Goldman et al , 1980 ) , but little studied in the diabetic .
29 It would appear from this that the bone assemblages derived from the long-eared owl and barn owl ( and other species , see below ) are but little altered by the predator , whereas the kestrel assemblages are more greatly altered .
30 In many cases this has involved rewording of Learning Outcomes but little change to the basic philosophy of the module .
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