Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 But I am troubled that he mentions the deaths of British servicemen without any references to the closing of the gates of Mandatory Palestine to the desperate refugees who tried to leave Nazi Germany but found the rest of Europe and the Jewish homeland closed to them .
2 I have never been able to understand why anyone would want to wake up at the dead of night ( 5 a.m. ) to go and paddle a canoe , but I am assured that the challenge is worth it .
3 But I am resolved that if it must be so I will obtain permission from the Brownings to have my husband journey to England at the end of the holiday and bring his son back with him .
4 Actually the instrument is a lovely one with a characteristically lucid tone , but I am bothered that anyone should think this was the sort of instrument Liszt had in mind ( or played ) at the time of writing works such as the Rigoletto Paraphrase and First Mephisto Waltz , both of which are delivered with considerable panache by Orolowetsky .
5 I did not hear them say this , but I am told that they do , and if you think what that would mean , I guess , whether you agree about the deer or not , that this is not a sensible suggestion .
6 His breathing became more and more laboured , but I was assured that he was feeling no discomfort .
7 As it was close by I decided to pay Frank Dick a visit at the Board 's offices , so I ran to Francis House , but I was told that he was n't there .
8 But I was told that unless I could produce a current driving licence or passport — neither of which I possess — they were not prepared to give me an account .
9 At the time , I wrote to Knitmaster ( as was ) , explaining what I wanter to do , but I was told that it could n't be done .
10 There was this rather famous instance where he had to scrub the floor while Pamela and I were having a long and involved discussion , but I was told that people could n't take their eyes off him .
11 But I was told that since I was so keen to have these things I had better think about how we would use them when the time came .
12 and from what I understood he was already married anyway , never , never was mentioned here , but I did hear it , whether it was true or not I 'm not say it , but I was told that he was already married and divorced to marry her , that was what I was told , no I mean I do n't know , but but I 'm damn sure that I know
13 We do n't have a dishwasher either but I 'm assured that these two things can Totally Change Your Life and you wonder how you ever lived without them .
14 I have never seen an avocet in Cornwall , but I 'm told that this rare and unique bird has been spotted on these marshes .
15 ‘ Silver , ’ he said , ‘ you 're a scoundrel and a murderer , but I 'm told that I must save you from the law . ’
16 As I say , I ca n't remember anything , but I 'm told that I did seem to enjoy annoying Old Saul , the bandy-legged and ancient white bulldog my father kept — I 'm told — because it was so ugly and it did n't like women .
17 to , to , I mean when I first had the er plaster off , which was for ten days it was , I could not believe it that these fingers were not going but I 'm told that that 's quite usual .
18 Now , I have n't met this gentleman , but I 'm told that he is a great expert on the question of sound and the nature of sound and , and the problems by it , and I 've invited him into the studio and I 'm going to interview him .
19 East Clwyd coroner David Jones read a statement by Jacob 's mother , Alison Bates , in which she said her pregnancy had been normal but she was warned that intervention might be necessary because of the position of the baby 's head .
20 She had lost one son — lost him truly , for she realized that he must be in Ireland now — but she was determined that she would not lose a daughter .
21 Crewe wo n't be rushing him but we 're told that Liverpool are so impressed they 've asked for first option on him .
22 It was taken in the early 1900s , but we are assured that it is not a tinted photograph , but a true colour print .
23 But we are determined that bait digging will not take place on Budle Bay and we will rigorously protect it , ’ he said .
24 What Bet and Alec thought of a packed house replete with Manc ravers is anyone 's guess but we are told that this event , which was a joint Most Excellent and A Bit Ginger promotion , had the Mancunian cognoscenti rocking over the most famous beermats in Britain .
25 No off-worlder has ever been inside any of them , but we are told that there are caverns , vaults within vaults , like those ancient puzzles where ever opened box reveals another , smaller box .
26 The real Disneyland is ten miles outside the city , but we were told that nobody goes there .
27 We were not told where the train was going , but we were told that we must all clamber aboard or we should be left behind .
28 But we were told that when the work resumed there would be no cause for concern as the mud and filth being dredged from the Lagan was to be carefully loaded into ‘ sealed lorries ’ which would be washed before being driven away .
29 Another American film of that year , A Workingman 's Dream , has a very weary hero who fails to find a job at a factory ; he falls asleep and dreams of a Professor Wonderful who offers him instant wealth and a new set of clothes , but he is told that these new gains will disappear if he breaks certain simple instructions ; on three occasions he accidentally carries out simple actions which break the instructions and his wealth disappears ; he wakes up to see an ambulance taking a worker from the factory — there is a vacancy and this time his application is successful .
30 Seve 's always been convinced the Americans have got it in for him , anyway , but he 's said that about the French , the Italians , the Japanese .
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