Example sentences of "but [noun] be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 The discussion was not conclusive but views were expressed that , while there was no such obligation on the Central Authority , if it felt that good grounds existed for an appeal , it could properly act .
2 But Murray was determined that the knightly chivalry should not ride far ahead , as so often happened , and so endanger both .
3 Little was recovered for the crown by these proceedings , but recognition was gained that all secular jurisdiction was exercised on behalf of the crown by explicit or inferred royal licence .
4 In this particular case , there seems to have been no question of halting supply , but undertakings were sought that , in times of high demand , outside customers ( , etc. ) would receive fair attention to their orders .
5 Unaccompanied children admitted , but parents/guardians are advised that the film contains material they might prefer children under 12 not to see .
6 But delegates were advised that any such local ruling would be overridden by the FA 's decree which was explained by Northern members on the council of the national governing body .
7 Election fever rises and falls with the opinion polls but CAMRA is determined that issues affecting the pub and drinkers will be fully debated during the election , whenever it comes .
8 But care was taken that the wealthier members of the nobility should dominate the minority of peasant and urban representatives , the zemstvo budget and powers of taxation were strictly limited , and through the provincial governor and local police the government retained close supervisory powers .
9 It is as yet far from complete , with only half a dozen of the country 's forty-plus aerodromes included , but subscribers are promised that the remainder will be issued them as soon as possible .
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