Example sentences of "that [is] not an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No one doubts the toxic properties of lead above such levels , and that is not an issue in this debate .
2 That is not an issue for some distant day in 1996 or 1998 .
3 However , that is not an accusation that I could level at the Leader of the Opposition , as he has not found time to say anything at all about the environment — true or false .
4 That is not an apology .
5 People may actually be right but that is not an excuse for smugness , and non-interest in what anybody else thinks except to knock them down and force them to acknowledge the superiority of one 's own views .
6 That is not an evidence of his blessing .
7 That is not an answer .
8 That is not an incentive ; it is a penal rate .
9 That is not an assumption made by Amis or Golding or Murdoch , and that is the plain sense in which they are not Modernists .
10 Erm I do n't have any problem with er with giving people financial incentive , I do have a problem with the concept of er giving people a finesty or a commission or something like that if we 're successful in obtaining in obtaining new work , that is not an fashion view , that is not how a professional office of a professional organisation works .
11 I know there are terrible things out there , but that is n't an excuse for giving up on that which sustains us in this life .
12 That is n't an answer , ’ said the Doctor .
13 ‘ Instead it made me laugh , ’ he said , pushing a bowl of freshly prepared salad into the fridge , ‘ I hope that is n't an omen for the rest of the evening .
14 And Steve Albini says about Steve Albini : ‘ I really do n't give a shit what people think of me , that 's not an issue .
15 That 's not an adjective the Villa manager would apply to his namesake in the team .
16 That 's not an atom the axeman says
17 we all can get depressed if we 're talking about a mood state , that 's not an illness .
18 It may be difficult finding the right moment to air an embarrassing subject , but that 's not an excuse for shelving things indefinitely .
19 ‘ I hope that 's not an accolade . ’
20 He added : ‘ That 's not an attack on the government . ’
21 Referring to Mr Sze 's statement , he said : ‘ That 's not an ultimatum .
22 that 's not an emergency , life threatening
23 That 's not an answer , ’ she protested .
24 Er I mean that , that 's not an attempt to dissuade or anyone but it , it you know people are very traditional and if the Garrick has always charged reasonably and suddenly there seems to be rate of inflation and this sort of thing , you know , as Linda said , they might think okay , I 'll pay three quid but I 'm damned if I 'm buying any raffle tickets .
25 that 's right and there 's also people who have been to the theatre before that 's not an audience who have
26 That 's not an option , that 's a delusion .
27 But that 's not an option locals here want to consider .
28 No oh you think well that 's not an executive phone that 's just er a phone with a couple of buttons on it
29 Bilton that 's a company in n it , that 's not an agent .
30 That 's not an improvement — I prefer your hair as it is in your photograph . ’
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