Example sentences of "that [is] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That is not through lack of support by this Government , who have put £17 billion into the coal industry since 1979 .
2 So that 's that 's the way to use that is not to talk to it but to have a silence while you 're writing er and then to stand at the side while you making the points that are that are associated with what you 've written up .
3 That is not on offer .
4 He would have liked a more advanced drawing course , but as that is not on offer has settled for a painting course .
5 Somewhat surprisingly all six patients in whom a small bowel resection was performed for obstruction report a satisfactory outcome with a defaecation frequency ( 6.3 in 24 hours ) that is not in excess of the total population .
6 As for the primacy of the police , the view of Ministers is that that is not in question .
7 That is not in doubt , because no one can actually imagine that ‘ we ’ are not going to ‘ win ’ , though nobody ever analyses exactly what ‘ winning ’ would in fact mean out there in the real world of the Middle East , beyond the political and economic leverage it will give the United States .
8 Of course , that is not in essence what education is intended to be about .
9 If that is not in practice a policy which is presuming against development in the open countryside I do n't know what is .
10 It is either going to be physically rationed or price rationed … prices are too low anyway , since we still have to have an operating subsidy , and that is not in line with the long-term political trend … ’
11 He was also right , and that is not in dispute on this appeal , to conclude that the execution by the appellants of the charge dated 4 December 1989 was a breach of the order of the court of 5 October .
12 Once again , that is not in dispute .
13 Erm , we have , as you would have seen , and has already been noted , erm , balances considerably higher than the seven million we 've previously set , at the , at the moment , and these will erm , be able to make provision if necessary , for police pay should happen to be higher than er , we are told than , than the one point five percent , which has something that people have raised with me , and erm , have said , that oh of course you lose grants if you do n't decide it now , but that is not in fact the case .
14 So if there 's any er er erm thought that the er ombudsman complaints were running at a high level as far as this committee 's interest were concerned , I can confirm that that is n't in fact the case .
15 That 's not for publication .
16 More information will be revealed in an internal safety report , being prepared for the air force , but that 's not for publication .
17 He had just picked up a particularly attractive ring , when a girl 's voice said , ‘ That 's not for sale . ’
18 I just do n't want to know about it , that 's not through money , that 's just through , y'know , f— , who cares . ’
19 At the same time , d the Tories are on their knees , some people , as I said earlier , I think it 's just as relevant in this debate , seem to have lost their way and when you took , look at what they 're proposing in terms of say , the er the fifty percent , the , the er M Ps , fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with , right , fifty percent of the vote , you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you 're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics , and that 's where they 're heading , and they 're heading completely in the wrong direction because we 're more in tune with what 's going on in this country , the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think , believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government , the alternative road is to oblivion and it 's not about modernizing , the people who 're proposing this coalition politics are n't modernizers , they 're Victorian politics , that 's what they 're about , they 're about taking us back , back before we created the Party , before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically , they 're going back to , let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals , the free trade Liberals , in the nineteenth century , that 's where they 're going back , that 's not about modernization , real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that 's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling , and that understanding of what people actually want in this country , and that 's why we 're supporting the C E C proposals .
20 That 's not in keeping with our aspirations and we have dispensed with the services of Ian Porterfield . ’
21 ‘ My dear Ginny , that 's not in question .
22 I mean that 's that 's not in question I just want to know you know try and get a bit of background , I had heard there was a possible problem erm and er how bad it was .
23 Well , that 's that 's not in dispute you can , you can put in that er that guide .
24 S so then the evidence is that they did know each other , begging what know exactly entails , but that 's not in dispute .
25 It shows that this officer was authorised to carry a gun and erm that 's not in dispute .
26 That 's not in Chapter ten ?
27 That 's not like Dot , I felt if she 'd been called away she 'd have got word to me somehow so … so that 's why I rang the Firm .
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