Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the new regulations continued the pre-war advantages for university-provided liberal adult education which further weakened the relative position of the WEA so much so that the Ashby Committee reported that university income for adult education had exceeded £550,000 in 1951–52 in contrast to the WEA 's income of little more than £130,000 for that year .
2 I put that er I could n't find that cheque book for love nor money .
3 Across the dining-room I saw Humber whisper something to one of the junior sisters and that sister nod in reply .
4 The reason for the rush — and for the retreat of the two serpentine pirates — was an armed and armoured squad of FedPol Forcibles , that elite branch of ultra-combat heavies , who had pushed their way into the bar .
5 He joins that elite group of Town stalwarts at a time when his future is uncertain .
6 One possibility that 's emerged from that research , is that mercury vapour from gold burning may be combining with the ash and the other products of combustion the forest , to produce an even more toxic ingredient in a lethal brew .
7 That branch line of decision-making is there .
8 ‘ I have crossed that ford times without number , ’ Johnstone of Lochwood put in .
9 The nature of that doggie world of thought is closed to most of us .
10 But , as she remembered , he would tell that story time after time , particularly to the ‘ Carry On ’ lot ‘ and with glee ’ .
11 The Treasury insisted that living standards at home and even exports would be under threat unless Britain cut both defence spending and foreign commitments .
12 These processes are often interlinked and although they will be discussed separately here it is often the case that measures to combat one problem may lead directly to another , or that desertification results from soil erosion and/or salinisation .
13 The traditional rule is that prerogative orders of prohibition and mandamus are not available against the Crown or any servant of the Crown acting in his or her capacity as such .
14 The results of this single centre pilot study show that maintenance treatment with cisapride 10 mg twice daily can reduce the likelihood of duodenal ulcer relapse .
15 Maintenance allowances for college students , well we signalled fairly clearly last June that we feel that maintenance allowances for college students should be the concern of the F A F C.
16 However , a number of companies report that employee attitudes towards relocation under such circumstances are becoming increasingly less favourable .
17 That gap year between school and college was all very well , and I know you enjoyed beachcombing in Thailand , and even your spell in the bush , teaching Hottentots .
18 In that study changes in risk at lower levels seemed to be unrelated to recall performance while at higher levels there was a positive correlation between the two .
19 Recommendations have been made ( Chavalit Mangkalaviraj , personal communication ) that information given to travellers and epidemiological data should be exchanged internationally and that study tours for health staff in interested countries should be set up .
20 An important corollary of the present discussion is that circuit components of centimetre dimensions can properly be regarded as discrete until the frequency gets as high as about 300MHz ( recall discussion of this topic near the beginning of section 4.3 ) .
21 Offering that transfer price to Division A will induce it to trade at the required volume as we have arranged that , at that volume , its marginal cost is equal to its marginal revenue ( the transfer price ) .
22 What Sinclair is saying is that type descriptions of language knowledge based on intuitive impression and not grounded in actually attested data do not provide an adequate source of reference for language teaching .
23 It also brought Victorian attitudes dictating that dancing lessons in dance schools were more acceptable than dancing at large public Assemblies .
24 This study showed that luminal infusion of bile and the bile acid TDCA inhibited carbachol stimulated motor activity in isolated segments of rabbit terminal ileum .
25 Providing network file services to Unix-based servers will require that LAN Manager for Unix be installed on each Unix file server .
26 Production expanded so rapidly that home supplies of wool were insufficient , and imports from Australia and South America increased .
27 The research , carried out by scientists from the University of Bremen , reveals that seawater levels of cadmium , aluminium , manganese and nickel rose between 1986 and 1990 , while levels of lead , iron , copper and zinc remained virtually unchanged .
28 The National Government in its first three years thus operated on the curious basis of the Prime Minister depending to an unusual extent on the second man in the Government , and that second man in turn depending to an equally unusual extent upon the second man in his own party .
29 The poor duck must have crawled all that way , a hundred metres or more to that second patch of light ; our bright idea of putting the branches down after him to cover him up was pointless ; for all these years it would only have needed some more kids to have come along with torches or bits of burning paper to discover the body .
30 Now do you want any cake with that second cup of tea ?
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