Example sentences of "that [be] go [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for the UK Offshore Operators ' Association said : ‘ Superficially , the reduction to 50pc sounds good , but the tax is tied in with a lot of allowances , including exploration and appraisal , and that has all been abolished , and that is going to have a devastating effect of exploration and appraisal . ’
2 Now , B again , that the square root of that is going to equal the square root of that plus the square root of that .
3 I have also been recommended Zanzibar , but that is going to cost a great deal of money , and likewise the journey there and back will occupy much valuable time .
4 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
5 On section eleven , yes we are along with the Liberals , we are trying to maintain the budget against the government cuts , but do n't anybody get away with the impression that that is going to maintain the service as it is at the moment , because we are really to pick up extra pupils .
6 Clearly that 's going to take a bit more nerve and more willingness to take risk .
7 That 's going to take a bit of explaining .
8 That 's going to take a long time .
9 That 's going to do a lot of damage in a soup bowl the size of Wembley stadium , I do n't think .
10 Yes , well obviously we erm we hope that we 've put the team together that 's going to do the job , but having said that , there 's some handy looking teams around , I think the League is going to be pretty evened out erm at the end of the day , I do n't think erm you 're going to see too many people sort of struggling at the bottom end .
11 British Rail tell us the London Paddington to Liverpool train service which is , is due at Oxford at six fifty-five tonight 's going to be starting from Reading instead ; that 's going to confuse a few people .
12 Yes , well the economic effect on our own country , well when I say under , er Europe , er , with this proposal that er , we have to open up our markets er for the benefit of the Soviet , er because , that is going to cost er , what they 're , what they 're asking for , not only in Soviet but also across Eastern Europe is that the agricultural market , the steel , and the textile market , all the most sensitive areas , should be opened up to them , and that 's going to shed a , a great increase in unemployment er within the , within the common market .
13 Surely that 's going to improve the quality of , of provisions ?
14 I know what we hear straight away , oh that 's government meddling , that 's going to cost a fortune .
15 So , basically , you 're saying that there are these cuts and that 's going to mean the quality of life in the homes is going to go downhill .
16 Two that 's going to become a double .
17 Formed in teams , this task it was then to er across the practice areas whose task it was to get into those clients , get to know them , get to know their industry , get to know the people and find ways in which we could actually penetrate them and er open doors and that was going to take a long time and it is taking a long time .
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