Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After that I waited at the harbour until it was safe to go back to the beach without seeing the person I was dodging . ’
2 ‘ When I was 12 I won the one length freestyle , backstroke and breaststroke events at the local schools gala , but after that I concentrated on the backstroke most of the time . ’
3 I repeat that if one adds to that the £40 million from the foundation , the £20 million a year for football and the £1 million that I found for the champion coaching scheme , it is clear that our commitment to sport is greater than anyone 's .
4 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
5 Where crops were sold both by large estates and small farmers or peasants , the situation was more complex , though in peasant economies , for obvious reasons , the proportion of the crop which came on the world market — i.e. which was not consumed by the producers — from large estates was normally much larger than that which came from the peasant holdings .
6 But for parallel development in relation to the parliamentary franchise , the position thus brought about might have resembled too closely that which prevailed under the Stuarts , save only that the pretended despot would have been a Prime Minister , able to influence the composition of Parliament to an excessive degree , rather than a monarch claiming Divine Right .
7 The sedentary farmer succeeded the migrant shepherd as the agent by whom the soil of Spain was squandered ; by the early nineteenth century cereals occupied perhaps three-quarters of the cultivable land , an imbalance between crop and animal husbandry as pernicious as that which prevailed in the heyday of wool .
8 In any event , residence of some kind was the hallmark of establishment in so far as establishment involved economic integration in the host member state of a kind that was greater than that which arose from the provision of a cross-border service .
9 That will have a disastrous effect upon the locality equal to that which arose from the threat of the route .
10 There is a paternalistic assumption lurking here , which reminds me of that which led to the disastrous council housing estates of the Sixties and early Seventies .
11 Half a century later , in 1969 , First Artists Productions , a new independent film company , was set up by Paul Newman , Sidney Poitier and Barbra Streisand , with a similar aim — a balance between mammon and idealism — to that which led to the formation of UA .
12 He says that Murray always tried to help others , and it was doing just that which led to the tragedy .
13 When they could hold it no longer the Collector shouted the order to retire to the next door : that which led from the drawing-room to the hall and where , several weeks earlier , the Collector had been lurking as he tried to make up his mind to attend the meeting of the Krishnapur Poetry Society .
14 The urge to stop the car will not qualify , but that which served as the reason for stopping , namely to assist a distressed animal , well might .
15 The general rule was that a company could lawfully do only that which fell within the scope of the objects clause .
16 On the highest point , the beech trees of Cottington 's Clump were moving in a stronger wind than that which blew across the heather .
17 Speaking on sentencing policy to the Law Society of Scotland 's annual conference at Gleneagles Hotel , Lord Taylor said there were two schools of thought — that which believed in the need for , and efficacy of , punishment and that which did not .
18 Peter Bassett , from Chelsea , said that the present economic difficulties bore no relation to that which pertained under the last Labour government when the country had to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund .
19 In a ‘ sellers market ’ , similar to that which pertained in the United Kingdom after World War Two , there was little need for promotional activity because demand exceeded supply and whatever was produced was taken up immediately by the market .
20 I should like to make it clear that the provisions of the Government Bill will provide householders with the same level of protection as that which existed under the private Bill , and they are set out fully in schedule 7 .
21 The poverty of the farm worker today is obviously very different from that which existed in the countryside in Victorian times , but the majority of farm workers are poor by the standards which we have come to expect in modern Britain .
22 Scarborough , adequate flexibility of land supply , that 's a quote , it was referred to as a reason for greatly increasing the allocation above that which emerged from the er statistical work , paragraph seventy six of N Y seven and erm in Selby 's case erm , land potentially available is recognized to be an important consideration , paragraph seventy eight of N Y seven .
23 Yet so striking was the colour of the child 's hair and of that which showed beneath the flat straw hat of the woman as to appear like distorted jogging lights in the dimness .
24 By mid-1990 the government acknowledged that the threat posed by " military rightists " was a more serious problem that which emanated from the insurgency campaign of the communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) .
25 With that she went towards the kitchen .
26 With that she shuffled into the house .
27 After that she sat on the morning-room steps watching the day slide off the face of Old Carrots field .
28 Contrary to all expectations , ten minutes later she was seated at the washbasin , and forty minutes after that she emerged from the salon feeling refreshed and certainly different .
29 Yours is one case I will always remember not for the large number of witnesses , but for the meeting of a man who right from the first impressed his lawyers with his innocence a conviction that grew and grew the more that one went into the case and met the many people who knew Andy Beattie so well . ’
30 Shortly after that we came over the top of the pass and started down towards the coast .
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