Example sentences of "that [prep] [Wh det] you [be] " in BNC.

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1 If you change any of these keywords to provide an increased usage of LIFESPAN beyond that for which you are licensed ( ie. increase the number of nodes that can access LIFESPAN or increase the number of concurrent users ) , then you must contact SST Technical Support for the new LICENCEKEY entry .
2 Note , too , that this size is marginally smaller than that for which you were asked to quote .
3 Jesus Christ several times appeared to her with a sweet and gracious countenance , saying to her to rouse her courage , ‘ remember my love , that the bed of the cross on which I died for love of you was harder , narrower and more painful than that on which you are now lying' ’ .
4 The only paper on your desk should be that on which you are currently working and material waiting to receive your attention for the first time .
5 " When you can measure what you are speaking of , and express it in numbers , you know that on which you are discoursing .
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