Example sentences of "that [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When you pray for us please pray that not only will we all have a safe , energetic yet relaxing holiday but that during the course of the venture our faith in and walk with Jesus will be deepened .
2 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
3 The Kremlin said later that during the course of the conversation , Mr Yeltsin had invited Mr Clinton to a Moscow summit and had also suggested further reductions in nuclear weapons .
4 Having given Moses a glimpse of that through the fingers of his hand , God commands him to cut two tablets of stone to replace those which were broken .
5 Well the solicitor just took that off the price of the house .
6 Born to boss the lower orders ; you do n't buy a bray like that off the peg at Marks and Spencer 's .
7 Taking part in chilling out were NEW ORDER , minus BARNEY who was still confined to quarters agonising over album lyrics , CABARET VOLTAIRE , PETE WYLIE ( what was that about the class of ‘ 82 ? ) ,
8 ‘ I 'll bear that as the yoke of God .
9 And I 'm sure that Ted Heath was as prone to that as the rest of us and he had some very able people round him .
10 I felt that the design for this holiday picture should be a natural and less structured design than normal , so I laid out the pressed stems of eucalyptus which naturally fell into a fan shape and used that as the basis of my design .
11 So then you start thinking about visual images which give you this impression of power and menace , something like the Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930s , and use that as the basis of your inspiration .
12 Was that as the result of comments ?
13 With the development of the capitalist mode of production there is an intensification of two principal contradictions within capitalism ; that between the forces of production and the social relations of production , and that between the working class and the bourgeoisie .
14 In the case of the housewife there are two possible discrepancies which might be connected with dissatisfaction : that between the status of housewife and the status of the husband 's work , and the discrepancy between the status of the housewife 's own present or previous employment work and her status as a housewife .
15 The growth of individualism has weakened the economic relationships between the generations to a far greater extent than that between the sexes within the family .
16 The first edition was produced some twenty years after the death of Mohammed — a much smaller gap than that between the death of Jesus and the emergence of the New Testament !
17 I can see that for the purpose of our movie any relationship between Claudia and Tepilit will have to be clouded in romanticism .
18 We need an improved education system , and the Bill will go a long way to achieving that for the benefit of our children .
19 It failed to convince readers either of the case against nationalism or of that for the policies of slow African advance being put forward by the Government .
20 The ( US ) Secretary of Health , Education and Welfare announced in 1978 that for the remainder of this century and part of the next , 17 per cent of all US cancer deaths ( over 50,000 per year ) would be attributable to asbestos . ’
21 It is of note that workers at the coal face ( cutters , hewers , and getters ) have only a slightly raised SMR for gastric cancer ( 113 ) which is not as great as that for the remainder of the mineworkers .
22 Can I really expect her to do that for the rest of my life ? ’
23 I 'd have to live with that for the rest of my life . ’
24 In 1971–76 their overall growth rate was already considerably in excess of that for the rest of Britain , but subsequently the gap has widened , particularly since 1981 .
25 In two Utah mining countries ( Carbon and Emery ) , the age and sex adjusted death rate for gastric cancer was 3.4 times higher than that for the rest of the state overall , and eight times higher in miners than in non-mining Utah men .
26 The room was plunged into darkness and stayed like that for the rest of the day .
27 She had ruined their relationship , and she would live with the pain of that for the rest of her life .
28 He was polite but distant after that for the rest of the week , and there was no suggestion that they should get together in the evening or over the weekend .
29 I ca n't promise it will be like that for the rest of the journey .
30 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
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