Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun sg] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sooner we get away from that bloody bank the better .
2 Could I enquire madam chairman er is the same areas on that specific document the same one as we agreed in nineteen ninety two ?
3 If we take his timescale literally and approach the late 1870s and 1880s , and merely flick through the pages of Punch magazine — a sure guide to the pulse of respectable discontent in Victorian England — we have an uncanny experience of déjà vu , assailed by complaints of assaults by ‘ roughs ’ on London 's underground railway system ; riotous holiday excursions ; ‘ brutal assaults on elderly females ’ by frightful characters such as ‘ Burly Jack ’ , ‘ Bloodstained Bill ’ and ‘ Smashjaw Ned ’ ; the streets already disfigured by fights involving ‘ the too free use of that popular institution the British boot ’ .
4 The sooner you get that old Druid the better .
5 With that German failure the Allied crisis at Ypres ended , for more and more French troops had been brought up to sustain the salient 's southern flank .
6 Suddenly in that tremulous silence the French voices had left , a fragment of the buried past rose in her like a wave of nausea .
7 The noise swelled again , now enlarged by people gabbling about how exciting it was at Fif 's , and was n't that gorgeous man the famous Gharr , and who was the sexy little cat-person with him , and so on .
8 Will my hon. Friend confirm that as part of that remarkable deal the then Labour Government paid a £500,000 sweetener to the Soviet Government ?
9 At that exact time the same degree of Capricorn was rising as that of the Queen 's birth .
10 That bit will all be dark cos that bit will all be dark because it 's in the earth shadow but that little bit there that little bit the little bit that is n't in the in the earth 's shadow the appearance there will be a new moon .
11 That changed gear the split second you required it .
12 But as we saw in that magnificent film The Cruel Sea ( recently re-shown on television ) it was even more nerve-wracking to serve in a slow moving ammunition ship or tanker , bearing a lethal cargo , than to man the depth charges and guns on a naval corvette , which was at least able to defend itself .
13 He was nonetheless a key figure in setting up Britain 's statutory system of buildings conservation , when he helped to create that invaluable archive the National Buildings Record ( now shortly to be banished to Swindon from its present sensible location next to English Heritage ) , which he joined as deputy director in 1941 .
14 Often at night that hot summer the new overburdened power plants would give up and die .
15 Well , yeah , when whe er er a after that first year the next five months seventy nine thousand !
16 The emotion was predicated on one particular hope : that one day the high purposes would be recognized , and the actors justified .
17 a brief specification and receive responses from consultants , what we do n't have , unfortunately , practically everything else with us this morning but that one thing the estimated final cost of this work .
18 They were amazed and delighted to find on that isolated junction the tiniest pub they had ever encountered , tucked away in a bend in the empty road .
19 That big laugh The lanky
20 Something to do with that bottom light the bloody payment was due yesterday or today whatever 's the twenty sixth .
21 That same night the three indigenous leaders were released .
22 That same year the rabbinical diploma was conferred on him by Rabbi Weiss , lector in Vienna .
23 In that same year the first instalment of a sexennial tenth was also collected , and from it , after taking the cross , Edward received a loan which he never repaid .
24 That same year the new king of France , Charles IV , pressed his claims of overlordship in Gascony to the point of open hostilities .
25 In 1951 the Japanese produced only 6 million tons of steel and in that same year the British steel industry produced 15 million tons .
26 That same year the National Council began a Free Church Temperance Crusade to obtain one million new pledges .
27 At that same moment the Cubist painters , other than Picasso and Braque , were making contact with each other on the basis of common pictorial interests , while the Italians were banded together with an elaborate programme but no adequate means of expressing it .
28 That same morning the entire Cabinet , with the exception of the Prime Minister , met in the Lord Chancellor 's room .
29 That same month the Hungarian parliamentary Speaker Matyas Szueroes stated that Hungary 's long-term aim was the achievement of a Finnish or Austrian type neutrality , not directed against the Soviet Union but founded on confidence within Europe .
30 There in that blue window the same old ‘ Merry Xmas ’ which appeared doggedly year after year .
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