Example sentences of "as he [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He started as he heard a whirring noise in the air .
2 Corbett quietly prayed no wit would cap his remark with some repartee , and blushed as he heard a few of the sisters giggle .
3 A minute later the phone rang and he snatched the receiver up , almost smiling as he heard the unmistakable gravelly voice of his old adversary .
4 Already he sported a blond mustache that was a passable imitation of the older man 's , and he twisted a strand or two of it between finger and thumb as he shot a comic grimace of pain in Joseph 's direction to convey his discomfort at the extravagant declaration of faith in him .
5 The youngest child in the lorry started to cry as he saw a skinny boy crumple in the road .
6 The Doctor stepped back from the device as Petion entered , but his welcoming words died on his lips as he saw the liveried servant who followed Petion in , a machete held loosely and comfortably in his hand with the certainty of one who knows how to use it .
7 Crossley 's mouth dropped open as he saw the taller man pull a gun into view .
8 They are watching me , thought Rupert Stonebird , as he saw the two women walking rather too slowly down the road .
9 He stepped back a pace , smiling broadly as he saw the young woman who stood before him , looking slightly surprised .
10 Ross 's voice broke through her unhappy thoughts , his dark eyebrows raised as he saw the half-empty wine bottle on the low table in front of her .
11 As he saw the first men fall in the ambush , Lachlan 's shipmaster yelled for his men to fall back .
12 He moved as soon as he saw the first bead of sweat break on her pallid face , and then he was almost too late .
13 He looked up desperately as he saw the other assassin now approach , his dagger raised , waiting to strike .
14 He held up a pacifying hand as he saw the other prepare for battle .
15 Guy 's mouth twisted into a wry smile , as he saw the anguished uncertainty in her eyes .
16 There was n't the faintest trace of pity in his face as he saw the defeated posture , just a glimmer of satisfaction that his own plans were starting to go well for a change .
17 Bodie entered the gallery and sat down next to Cowley , grimacing as he saw the open-heart operation below .
18 The blue eyes glittered mockingly as he saw the fierce colour rush up her face .
19 He smiled as he saw the beautiful face in front of him , and for a moment he felt happy .
20 She lifted her buttocks up into the air , taunting Vashinov as he saw the white sperm slide out from inside her .
21 ‘ No , ’ Connelly shouted as he saw the glowing rings and felt their heat .
22 Chen stood up , a cry coming to his lips as he saw the bright flash of a knife being drawn .
23 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
24 Abudah , Abudah , Abudah , the name jogged up and down in his mind as he passed the crumbling houses , the rusted railings , the impoverished trees and the occasional blank , black face at curtainless windows .
25 The May evening was warm and filled with a golden light , and as he passed the Maria-Therese gardens the scent of the lilacs hit him with an almost physical pain .
26 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
27 The 33-year-old doctor was knocked unconscious by one of the youths as he passed an empty house in Coulby Manor Farm , Coulby Newham .
28 On touching a certain stone , he appeared to release a massive pulse of energy as he acquired an instant migraine which lasted for fifteen minutes .
29 ‘ Coffee is it ? ’ asked the flying club barman as he observed the pensive expression on X 's face .
30 Abandoning herself to the overpowering intoxication of his embrace , she parted her lips beneath his as he ravished the inner sweetness of her mouth .
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