Example sentences of "as you [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to go into a little more the composition of the net debt which again is something that er interests some of you we have er a reduction both on gross debt and equally an increase in cash as you would expect as a result of the Elsivir sale the increases are not fixed debt fixed term fixed rate debt is a function again of the exchange rate we have n't in issued any more the whole of the reduction of debt therefore is confined to our floating rate or variable debt and that amount 's ready to the repayment of the gilder drawings we had under our to hedge or partially to hedge our holding in Elsivir We have increased our cash holdings and they remain concentrated in sterling as part of our sterling er asset er portfolio which is managed from Millbank and which we regard as our investable funds as and when needed .
2 Jimmy was creative in attack , as you would expect of any protégé nurtured at Upton Park , and he possessed a fierce shot .
3 As you would expect of a gas cooker with such an advanced hotplate , the controls of the new Discovery are equally sophisticated .
4 As you would expect of Britain 's leading publisher of legal information for business and industry , we have devised a loose-leaf reference service that will keep you up-to-date monthly with all the important legal developments likely to affect your business .
5 The BBC Diet , as you would expect with this sort of title , is a very reliable sound diet that is recommended .
6 Plugging in a 4-string bass the tone is generally tight , controlled and correct , much as you would expect at this price .
7 For a full price issue there are quite serious distractions , although the recording generally is as warm and transparent as you would expect in the Concertgebouw 's famous acoustic .
8 And as you would expect in a town of enterprise , some of these buildings have been sensibly adapted to modern use .
9 Interior presentation , as well as general fit and finish , is as good as you would expect from Toyota .
10 As you would expect from a bank as big and established as First National Bank ( group assets exceed £1 billion ) , the interest rate on the money you borrow is extraordinarily competitive : 22.6% APR variable .
11 We chose as the venue , where else but , the Champagne Hotel of the north where Ian Corner , David Chell and their staff are bravely grasping the nettle of recession whilst continuing to perform as you would expect from Manchester 's top City Centre Hotel .
12 ‘ A book that is as rich and funny as you would expect from Mary Wesley ’
13 Located right in the city centre , convenient for the city 's air terminal and main railway station , the Warsaw Marriott is as luxurious as you would expect from any hotel managed and operated by Marriott Hotels .
14 Added to that , the policeman gave evidence , mentioning my concern , and also adding that ‘ It was a clean-cut blow to the jaw , sir , as you would expect from a man who got an Oxford Blue for boxing . ’
15 And of course , the journalism is tip top , as you would expect from the choice of names chosen by Evans .
16 As you would expect from a former private home , the bedrooms vary both in size and decor .
17 As you would expect from an organisation committed to staff development , SCOTVEC carries out an evaluation and review of all subject assessor training events .
18 The action is perfectly smooth , as you would expect from a top of the range product .
19 The year went reasonably well but there were of course a few difficulties as you would expect from a new organisation .
20 You can produce a directory listing , move between directories , invoke PI routines , copy and edit files and so on as you would expect from the $ prompt .
21 AS YOU would expect from a company founded in Scotland , CCG has a particularly strong presence in its native land , with a large diversity of work .
22 Gandhi speaks of loving enemies and reacting to their wrongdoings in the same way as you would react to the wrong-doings of friends and relatives .
23 You actually do exactly the same thing as you would do to a joiner in a , in , in , in , in a fitting shop , to say , This task c c c can take this length of erm time .
24 If you sign the document in your own home , as you would do with a doorstep salesman , er then the law does give you a chance to change your mind , although I hope for goodness sake you would all be very wary about signing any kind of legal document thrust under your nose from a doorstep salesman .
25 But will the form teacher be able to do as you would do in English and say , but look when you did that written piece on so and so it was goo , the form teacher will not have that detailed knowledge that you will have
26 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
27 Most employers ' schemes are ‘ contracted out ’ of SERPS which means that the employer has agreed to provide at least as much from his scheme as you would receive from SERPS .
28 Now when one goes , there tends to be a sameness which can be a bit of a let down , that you find much the same kind of thing as you would find in a church in Brighton or Lewes going on in Naples , and I do n't know quite how long this will last .
29 This would be much more difficult to discredit , especially as you would have with you extracts from the second report giving standard deviations and other statistical facts for these tests .
30 Now , I feel I ought to warn you : you wo n't have quite such a good chance at the end as you would have at the front . ’
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