Example sentences of "as she [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And so this is how it ends , she thought minutes later as she walked with steady steps across the wooden planks .
2 As she listened to other speakers , Hindu , Buddhist , Muslim , she realised there was great similarity .
3 At this Faye sat up , flinging aside covers , in one movement , like a swimmer surfacing , and she glared at Alice as she had at poor Monica .
4 Brenda Pridmore , recently appointed Clerical Officer/receptionist at Hoggatt 's Laboratory , pushed the marmalade across the breakfast table and began methodically slicing thin strips from the white of her fried egg , postponing , as she had from early childhood , that cataclysmic moment when she would plunge the fork into the glistening yellow dome .
5 It was n't really surprising therefore that she was wound tighter than a spring with suppressed energy as she waited for Ace to return .
6 He wished Annabel were not so insecure and dependent upon him ; for the past few months , as she waited for Avanti to make up its mind , she had needed constant emotional support and reassurance from Scott , who had felt her clinging to him , almost like a physical weight on his back .
7 But as she forecast in recent months ( The Art Newspaper No.19 , June 1992 , p.3 ) , Ms Radice believes that sexual content is grounds for a grant 's denial .
8 Annoyed with herself , she drew a long hissing breath as she gritted through tight lips , ‘ Really , I do n't know why I 'm revealing all this to a complete stranger — somebody I 've only just met — ’
9 Somehow she managed a smile as she said with deliberate casualness , ‘ Sounds a wonderful idea , Harry .
10 She looked up , arching a brow as she said with false sweetness , ‘ Well , is there something else , then ? ’
11 As she struggled with Italian pronunciation , Jacqueline doubled away behind her and slid out of the shop .
12 And how deeply she wished she could feel the confidence impressed upon her voice as she added with forced lightness , ‘ Apart from any other consideration , I still have a wet dog to find . ’
13 Frankie watched her now with a mixture of awe and delight as she pranced in little pirouettes around the kitchen .
14 Dimly his voice reached her as she drew in deep breaths of air .
15 Her limbs were unsteady as she padded on bare feet , staggering a little , towards the door , oblivious to the fact that she was dressed only in a thin nightgown , that her half-combed hair flared untidily about her shoulders .
16 Nothing could harm her as long as she stayed behind closed doors .
17 As she talked to key people and travelled round Britain on her preliminary fact-finding tour she discovered she had a big area of ignorance .
18 ‘ You say that every time , ’ said Ilsa , winking at me as she pulled on white gloves : I 'll see you tomorrow and tell you everything ! ’
19 She could see the older woman 's eyes darting incredulously over her , swiftly assessing style , quality , cost , as she stumbled through vague expressions of welcome and gratitude .
20 Chill dread settled in at the base of her skull and directed the activities of her roiling stomach , as she tried in vain to move her mouth , or even blink .
21 She heard the shaken sigh that was torn from him as he brought her body up against the length of his , and the urge to go on fighting him faded as she grasped at fresh knowledge , accepting the fact that this was entirely mutual .
22 As soon as she arrived on Australian soil she went straight to the hospital .
23 Lydia felt strongly that the author of the universe probably thought much as she did about sexual matters .
24 If she decides to forgive and forget , as she did after previous takeover attempts , she might not be able to rein in the military .
25 He watched the girl as she moved with quiet competence about the table wondering , as always , what , if anything , was going on behind that extraordinarily wide brow , those slanted enigmatic eyes .
26 The words hovered on the edge of Folly 's consciousness for the rest of the day as she plodded with increasing grimness from one unsuitable or unaffordable flat to another .
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