Example sentences of "as they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once on board , I took a look below , where many men folk were as comfortably spread on the saloon sofas as circumstances would permit , and finding a vacant space sufficiently large to stretch my full complement of feet and inches on , I tried to fall asleep before we got into rough water ; but with the first movement of the screw , I was on my feet and on deck , having a view of the hills round Gairloch as they slept in the mist of night ere the faint streaks of dawn disturbed their repose .
2 As they tottered through the trees this Wednesday morning , she felt herself shaking from somewhere deep inside .
3 A few tall plants ( or upright stones or bogwood ) just in front of the back of the tank will add to the impression of depth , as they contrast with the background paper , breaking up its flatness .
4 There was no wind and the smoke rose straight from the farm chimneys and the bare branches of the roadside trees were still as they stretched across the cold sky .
5 But he envied more the great herring gulls and black-headed gulls which he watched through the bars of his cage as they soared on the summery winds , the white and grey of their feathers caught brightly by the sun as they banked into a turn .
6 Desert Orchid had often won from worse positions , but he seemed unable to quicken , and was half a length down on his two younger rivals as they landed over the last obstacle .
7 You never saw such a frenzy as her frantic rush to dress herself , me pulling outfits from the wardrobe , she rejecting them as fast as they landed on the bed , trying on and discarding until she stood there in a stew of irritation and indecision in nothing but bra and panties .
8 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
9 The book is based on the year that Mackay spent in London in 1887–1888 and describes events of that Jubilee Year , especially as they touched on the lives of the socialist and anarchist German exiles there .
10 The last glowing embers in the fireplace knock as they settle among the ash .
11 The products of a conflict , as well as its residues , may seem incomprehensible insofar as they differ from the original intentions of any of the combatants .
12 The development of such trading centres is only relevant here in as far as they point to the direction in which economy was evolving in the sixth and seventh centuries .
13 The European grants , correctly assigned to Northern Ireland due to its isolation within the market and its relative poverty , should not be gobbled up by parsimonious Treasury Ministers as they hide behind the concept of additionality .
14 She began to feel a little differently , though when less than an hour later they entered Ven 's hotel suite and as she turned , about to give him her polite but none the less sincere thanks as they halted in the middle of the room , Ven looked down at her and got in first with , ‘ Are you tired ? ’
15 I watch as they disappear down the road , then turn and walk through the hamlet which seems completely free of people .
16 As they gathered outside the wire waiting for their guard to open the gate into the camp , they were suspended for a few moments in a sort of limbo .
17 Even Riven laughed with the rest as they piled into the inn Finnan had told them of , and Ratagan wished the landlord good day in a roar that made the poor man cower .
18 Crilly sits in the living-room , cuffed to a cop beside him , watching the others as they tear through the shelves .
19 They heard his step falter and as they pressed into the doorway after him they came face to face with Philippe Maurin , holding a gun .
20 ‘ Leave the door , ’ Tom growled , then pulled Belinda commandingly into his arms and held her in a close embrace that betrayed every detail of his muscles as they pressed along the length of her softer form .
21 She shivered as they crossed to the west hill .
22 As they crossed to the supermarket they had to wait as an assistant wearing a jacket over his uniform wheeled a long line of trolleys from a loading bay into the store .
23 Lesley rummaged in the depths of her calf handbag for a matching key-case as they crossed at the lights , and flicked out the smallest of the keys on the bunch it contained ‘ You wo n't mind waiting a minute for me ?
24 The storm that struck Marian , Allen and their captors as they crossed towards the dark Tower struck with equal ferocity the greater part of England .
25 ‘ And what the plague , ’ demanded Rhodri Parry irritably , grasping her arm as they crossed towards the guesthouse doorway , ‘ did you want with starting such a frantic legal bother , without a word of warning to me , without a hint of your purpose ?
26 The singer caught their quick look of recognition as they crossed in the doorway .
27 The pair became used to the waves and hoots from passing motorists , trucks and even train drivers as they journeyed to the Mediterranean coast .
28 There she played most beautifully , pouncing on leaves and grasses as they blew in the wind , pretending to chase her own tail .
29 Pumping air into these causes water to be sucked through with the bubbles as they rise to the surface .
30 It is not difficult to imagine the exercise of these powers in the inner city areas of Britain producing the same reaction as they provoke in the riot-tom areas of Belfast and Derry .
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