Example sentences of "as they [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These people were cold bloodedly shot in the head as they slept in separate bedrooms . ’
2 An example often quoted is that of Bernard Bloch , who defined the style of a text as " the message carried by the frequency distributions and transitional probabilities of its linguistic features , especially as they differ from those of the same features in the language as a whole Such definitions appeal to the empiricist , who would like to reduce a subjectively perceived phenomenon to something objective , but they tend to alarm the student of literature .
3 In some cases fleece could be stored on a gallery for a group of spinners , for it is preferable to keep fleeces in a cool atmosphere as they deteriorate in hot and dry conditions .
4 Statutory advisers from the conservation bodies all gave us a list of the areas that they wanted included and , for the most part , we followed those lists in so far as they agreed with one another .
5 Andy Lloyd believes they ultimately failed last year because of the onerous programme confronting them , as they competed in all directions for an elusive honour : ‘ There was so much concerted effort and no reward .
6 All she got was a glimpse of the empty Pyrenees , and the tiny concentrated ball of the rising sun , alternately revealed and hidden as they crossed from one face to another with first one peak throwing its dark bulk between them and then another .
7 Irish women cried as they heard from two Chilean women of the horrors being committed in post-Allende Chile .
8 Many of these companies may also benefit from economies of scale as they expand into such activities .
9 She felt weightless as they pitched into empty air .
10 THE house was built on a rectangle that surrounded an inner courtyard and Maggie 's steps dragged a little as they walked into this .
11 The trees had begun to loosen themselves of leaves as they had of golden pears , rough-skinned and scarred , a little while before .
12 He relished the thought of showing that he could create a viable large-scale industrial organisation in the public sector , as they had in private industry .
13 But with the tide of war now running against the Allies , many of the natives decided to join the winning side , just as they had in Dutch Timor the previous winter .
14 The lords-of the manoirs and their servants converged as they had in medieval times .
15 For several months the Hong Kong Sevens waited , hoping that the country 's two rugby bodies would unite as quickly as they had in some other sports — most notably cricket .
16 If they had polled the same plurality as they commanded in 1987 , there would have been no overall party majority .
17 But already the ships in the Morpork docks — laden with grain , cotton and timber , and coated with tar — were blazing merrily and , their moorings burnt to ashes , were breasting the river Ankh on the ebb tide , igniting riverside palaces and bowers as they drifted like drowning fireflies towards the sea .
18 ‘ Who was that man , Virginia ? ’ he persisted quietly , as they waited at more traffic lights .
19 As they waited for these to declare , the television lights in the club 's library lightly grilled nervous Liberal Democrats as the party 's organiser , Mr Des Wilson , discussed their prospects .
20 In Xenopus oocytes that lack RYRs , there are numerous initiation foci ( hot spots ) and the waves migrate outwards as expanding spheres or spirals which annihilate as they crash into each other .
21 She would tear into her staff you see and get it and then er an along the corridors you know , there 's ledges up above the doors as they slide into each compartment .
22 Children come across written numbers , just as they come across written words , long before they are able to read or understand them .
23 It is always advisable to buy furnishing fabrics rather than dress materials as they come in wider widths and are usually of a more suitable weight .
24 Lancashire they used to call it and , we used to , they used to set one on at first and then , as he knocked , if he could knock one off his feet onto his two feet , then he had to help him to knock the others over as they come in close and er , I know they do n't sound nothing like , you know , now but er , in them days we use to think it was great .
25 There is a choice of either still ( about 48p ) or sparkling ( about 55p ) both of which are user-friendly as they come in recyclable bottles .
26 It is often said that many young people lose interest in poetry , and even stories , as they go through secondary school .
27 Waves singly scattered by substrate atoms and all the multiply scattered waves not involving the adatom are not included here , as they go to integral-order beam positions .
28 He likes the days when nothing seems to happen , and rain runs down the windows , and through somebody else 's windows on the other side of the airwell you can see girls with piles of lacquered hair laughing and making sudden small self-conscious movements , as they flirt with young men in Italian-cut suits , silent behind the layers of glass .
29 A colleague from Christian Aid phoned me from Addis Ababa last night and he reported what had happened in the Red Sea port of Assab on Saturday which was when 15 trucks and trailers were loaded each with 22 tons of U N grain and there was a little ceremony as they left at 12 noon for Desai .
30 Later , as they strolled on neat walkways and over pretty Oriental stone bridges , Luke 's mood grew more relaxed , so Maria reintroduced the subject which had been the initial cause of their earlier conflict .
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