Example sentences of "as we [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Works ’ — as we came to know the railway shops — provided most of the employment for the local inhabitants .
2 Renaissance , baroque , rococo and Biedermeier swirled around in our minds as we grew to understand the history of the Habsburg Empire in a tour that was , as far as possible , chronologically arranged .
3 As one man , which included several honorary woman , they stumbled backwards as we managed to heave the dog into a sitting position and slide him on his backside the last 20ft to the parcels ' office .
4 As we 'd guessed the Jihad had nicked the negotiator .
5 I mean , if I were to sell my house now supposing somebody came galloping in along before Christmas ooh ooh I want the house on the first of Feb and they 'd come and they 'd see the house and they say yes I want it , want it , want it and it was plain that they were going to want it and we started to talk money , as soon as we 'd got the solid block of money I want one O two you er estate agent tells me I can get ninety seven between ninety five and ninety seven say they offer me ninety six
6 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
7 Swallows ‘ twittered gladly by ’ as we paused to read the lines .
8 As I reeled around in the meaty steam a little tune tinkled repetitively in my mind ; it was the song Siegfried and I were forever singing as we waited to enter the RAF , the popular jingle which In our innocence we thought typified the new life ahead .
9 They could forgive this young man , just as we had to forgive the man who failed to secure his trailer , or they could allow bitterness to completely neutralise everything God was doing in their lives .
10 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
11 This seemed a bit of a cheek as we had read the scripts together , discussed the lady in painfully familiar detail , and all our opinions had tallied .
12 But it was always our intention , because of the urgency of the situation , to present the petition to the council as soon as we had passed the 50 per cent mark .
13 We could n't have left a tap on , as we had taken the precaution of turning the water off at the mains , so where could it be coming from ?
14 The RENFE train station must be a long way from the centre , I thought , just as we began to enter the acid neon groves of the darkening city , through a narrow glade of brightly lit shops , the Corrielo , then through a vast archway — a policeman 's shrill whistle — and the bus was rolling and swinging right into the grand Plaza Mayor , which it circled slowly , triumphantly hooting .
15 During the next two days , as we tried to discover the fate of the 11 men , we met with the most powerful warlord in the country : General Aideed , who denied all knowledge of the incident and proved unable , or unwilling to do anything to find out .
16 As we stood to say the apostle 's creed during the communion service yesterday a statement of faith which we share with every part of the Christian church throughout the world I concluded that this statement was unnecessary .
17 The most heroic plays were made as we leapt to stop the ball hitting the wooden door to the hall or banging into the metal shutters over the window , which would have brought the guards running in .
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