Example sentences of "as be [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ ( a ) setting out with full particulars all dealings by the first defendant or anyone on his behalf with : ( i ) the moneys referred to in schedule 1 to this order ; and ( ii ) all and any sums or assets representing or derived from those moneys ; and … ( c ) exhibiting copies of all documents which relate to the receipt or transfer of , or dealing with all such assets , and in particular all such documents as are set out in schedule 3 hereto and are in the possession custody or power of the first defendant .
2 It 's not as bad as being banged up in prison .
3 Of course he is incompetent , and as well as being swept along in the muddle and uproar he shares ‘ our town 's ’ positive transpersonal complicities in what goes on here .
4 William will be taught the old values of royal duty as well as being brought up in the modern world , mainly by his mother .
5 Moreover , in speaking , as one would tend to in a high Christology , of humanity as being summed up in Christ , or in saying that through the second person of the trinity humanity is taken into the Godhead , differences between humans may also be minimized .
6 Witnesses at the inquest describe the excavation as being carried out in benches 5 feet high .
7 So , we can think of different modules from Dennett 's flow-chart as being stored and functioning in the same place in the machine , just as we can think of different levels of translation of programming language as being carried out in the same place in the machine .
8 For it was in St Jude 's Passage that such corpses as were picked up in Frizingley — whether they had been reported missing or not — were usually found .
9 As is pointed out in a robust response from Ernst & Young , the code is full of the desired qualitative attributes of boards and directors , but it is short on objective operational criteria .
10 As was pointed out in the judgment , ‘ In some contractual relationships , for example life assurance and pensions schemes — some aspects of the law regulating conditions of employment , and … various state-run schemes such as national insurance ’ , 35 it is ultimately a matter for the parties concerned whether the individual should be treated as a man or a woman .
11 We wish to apologize to him , and make it clear , as was pointed out in the article , that he is a man of the utmost integrity who is a good example for kids today .
12 The whole poem , at this stage as was pointed out in the section on Wordsworth 's creed uses language ambiguously , though it must be obvious that he does believe in ‘ something out there ’ .
13 This is clearly an over simplification because , as was pointed out in Chapter 6 , a considerable proportion of public expenditure in the modern economy is demand-determined , at least in the short term .
14 In that sense the production and reproduction of uneven development is not just a reflection of changes in the wider economy and its division of labour , it is , as was pointed out in section 2.4 , integral to those changes .
15 ( World-system theories are less relevant here because , as was pointed out in Chapter 1 , they pay little attention to the internal structure of national economies . )
16 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
17 The increase in the numbers claiming benefit since 1979 , is , as was pointed out in Part I , greater than the whole of the increase in the years up to the election of the first Thatcher Government .
18 As was pointed out in chapter 4 through Lévi-Strauss 's example of the Australian Churinga , material objects are often the principal means of objectifying a sense of the past .
19 Rather , as was pointed out in Makanjuola v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis , it is intended to reassure informants that their statements will only be used for the investigation of complaints and for such criminal or disciplinary proceedings as directly follow .
20 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , substantial progress has been made in reducing overcrowding , as of facially defined .
21 Here , there was from the 1740s a considerable expansion in the number of women working at the surface , for from then to the 1850s the mining of copper was of greater importance than tin and , as was pointed out in 1810 , " the copper mines when in full working employ a good number of women and children who are useless about tin " .
22 Moreover , as was pointed out in Multiservice Bookbinding Ltd v Marden [ 1979 ] Ch 84 unreasonableness is not sufficient to amount to unconscionable conduct .
23 As was pointed out in Section 1 , one of the functions of the present study is to cater for the interests of those seeking replicable materials for English-language teaching .
24 An expectation of life , as was pointed out in and nineteen seventy two one sixty five at eighty five to eighty six , is a matter of probability taken for actuarial purposes to be treated as a certainty .
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