Example sentences of "as she had [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 She was particularly glad to see him as she had just been told she was pregnant .
2 He watched his aunt and Miss Williams wordlessly consult each other , but knew his aunt would do as she was told ; successful solicitor though she was , she was ten years younger than Miss Williams and , as she complained , totally intimidated by her as she had not been by anyone since her late headmistress .
3 I was very taken aback , as she had not been old , and asked where she might be buried .
4 The lectures laid on at the Sorbonne were of an abysmal simplicity , and given by lecturers who grossly though understandably underestimated their audience : they bored her as she had not been bored by work for years .
5 She sent him a memo — the usual form of royal communication — but he replied negatively , arguing that it was n't possible as she had only been doing the job for a short time .
6 In July 1914 while preparing the volume for publication , he confided to his close friend Florence Henniker : ‘ Some of them I rather shrink from printing — those I wrote just after Emma died , when I looked back at her as she had originally been , & when I felt miserable lest I had not treated her considerately in her latter life .
7 Had it been left at that , as she had originally been built , the Angelina , a typical example of the Tehandiri class , would not only have been striking but downright handsome .
8 She forced herself to concentrate , alert now as she had never been before with Gazzer .
9 On admission Julie was experiencing lower abdominal pain , feeling nauseated , and worried about the prospect of an operation as she had never been in hospital before and was not often ill .
10 For Dorothea suddenly saw herself as an old woman badgering a friend into giving up her time and company , and , self-sufficient as she had always been , the picture repelled her .
11 A widow now , formidable as she had always been , she managed to exude disapproval at fifty yards .
12 Apart from this minor eccentricity — and I knew old people often became eccentric — she seemed to me the same as she had always been : vague in practical matters but sharp-witted enough in other ways , and eager to talk about what was happening in the world .
13 On the last occasion he had seen his mother , which was when he came down to Plumford for lunch at Easter , he had thought that to all outward appearances she was exactly the same as she had always been .
14 She felt panicky , as if something precious deep within her was menaced by his closeness , and once again as shockingly unsure of herself as she had always been in his presence six years ago .
15 It was her family that were changing , she thought : she was just as she had always been .
16 But , city dweller as she had always been , she had been aware of every sound — the gentle lapping noises of the canal against the side of the boat , the small night sounds of birds and other creatures , and it had been some time before weary body and brain relaxed .
17 Logic , when she came to it , seemed to her as near to Hell as she had ever been .
18 As ready to lie down and die as she had ever been .
19 This time last week it had been , last Saturday , when she and Miguel had spent some time together and she was as happy as she had ever been in her life — until that moment when she discovered just how much of a fool he had made of her …
20 In a trance of dismay Louisa saw that the woman was very far from death ; she was no longer ill ; not even , as she had earlier been , unhappy .
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