Example sentences of "as you [vb base] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As good as you make me feel .
2 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
3 Lots , lots of people claim , in fact ever such a lot of people claim that they 've got communication with the dead , for instance that , as you know I 've got a caravan ai n't I at Rudyard Lake ?
4 Erm we er well as you know I mean the there 's a very high rate of unemployment amongst tenants in the flats ,
5 Apparently as you know I mean biblical criticism is a very and well people have devoted their whole lives to it , but apparently there is a , a school o of , quite a large school I think o of biblical critical that claims that there are actually two Moses and not one .
6 As you know I mean I 'm only a working man
7 Yes he 'll have mentioned the United States on occasions I hope cos he teaches the United States , yeah , well as you know I mean there are a number of separate powers , there 's the presidential erm there 's the presidential power , in foreign policy making I 'm talking about , there 's president , there 's the congress there 's the Pentagon , there 's the secretary of state for foreign affairs as well , and one of the characteristics of American policy is the way in which sometimes they can be ha be pursuing separate erm aims and using different methods .
8 As you know I visited his widow last week and she seemed to hint at pressure coming from two areas : the youth leader Jefferson and Canon Wheeler .
9 And this is my personal view , as you know I think that people see , er , Freud completely differently in fifty or a hundred years ' time .
10 First of all I do n't think local needs would be fully met , as you know I think very often the migrants are able to outbid local households in the market , so I do n't think local needs will be fully met.
11 I think that it is going to have a good effect on improving trading for the better parks and attractions in this country and as you know I think , Alton Towers is the leading er , park of its kind in this country , Chessington which we also own is the second er , leading park , one and a half million visitors a year , Alton Towers approximately two million visitors a year in this country .
12 Well as you know I think the committee looked at this erm in nineteen ninety one and er I think it is fairly true to say that by the time it was taken out of service blood hound did not represent a very high level of capability erm and the gap , there is a gap obviously between blood hound it 'll it 'll now be a rather longer gap between that and any A M S A M replacement , er but blood hound itself was judged to be frankly not worth having .
13 ‘ First , if we leave now I wo n't find out what 's going on , and as you know I do n't like to leave anywhere until I know what 's going on .
14 As you know I do n't work in the firm but I do give a hand with the accounts from time to time — ’
15 As you know I have been meeting every two weeks with all the staff in the Economic Development Team , and discussing with them each stage of the process .
16 Because that means they 're gon na be iffy on the phone gon na be iffy in everything they do and I as you know I have you know I 'm gon na take a flier with you .
17 Yeah I 'll get you the box and you do as you like put them up as you like I do n't
18 Kinnock 's more realistic reply was : ‘ That 's fine , Nick , so long as you help me get to Downing Street first . ’
19 Let him go … try and let him go as easily as you let me go . ’
20 I do n't think I understand as much as you think I do ! ’
21 Well my husband and I were married in nineteen forty four , you see , and er as you see I go every year and it 's nineteen eighty six , so therefore erm I you see I , I do n't really want people to know my age
22 She has just this last year to go and er we hope for her sake everything goes well for her because she 's brilliant , and as you see I have to fly the flag for her because she 's
23 er and you can have as much as you want I believe
24 I do n't know which , well you know i , when it 's that sort of area it 's , as you say I mean it 's from here it 's nine hundred , at least nine hundred miles you know it 's about two hundred and fifty to Dover is n't it ?
25 Sportier yeah well as you say I mean a lot of these words you would n't want chancing yourself , would you ?
26 Well he 's probably just caught him on the back of on the back of the calf but er I thought it was as you say I thought it was a nice sharp incisive tackle .
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