Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I hung on the phone , I ingested the sad evidence of a service which , although well-intentioned , simply had n't coped .
2 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
3 As I looked down a tube as empty as Outer Space , I pushed away from my board and dove for the bottom .
4 As I stepped down the steep treads I heard the too loud click of shoe leather on metal .
5 And this started a stampede amongst the rest of the herd and as I advanced down the field with them all in close pursuit I somehow managed to clear a four stranded barbed wire fence like an Olympic champion .
6 like a cabbage white as I forked out a fiver
7 ‘ And as I intimated just a moment ago , ’ his voice was coldly mocking as he threw her words back at her , ‘ I need a haircut . ’
8 A pale autumnal sun played over Etive as I gazed up the beckoning folds of Spartan Slab with another partner , watching the leisurely antics of an American climber and his female ropemate on this classic VS .
9 As I strolled down the next fairway and skirted a mass of heather which cut into the fairway on the angle of the dogleg , I wondered how my boss , Jack Mason , would fare in the tournament .
10 I asked as I stirred up the tea-bags .
11 ‘ I was personally told he was not concerned about my past so long as I kept up a volume of business , ’ he said .
12 Now Mill realizes that the objection to this is the last problem coercion , that if people 's votes are known , then some people might be able to put pressure on others to vote one way rather than another and as I said why the secret ballot was brought in in the first place .
13 As I said earlier the the pension is based on your total amount of pensionable service and that 's teaching service on which you paid contributions .
14 As I , as I said earlier the new boy , the rather elderly new boy but I can assure the Professor if I were a hundred years old I 'd still be younger than 'im .
15 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
16 It was dark and the sea was rising rapidly as I came up the firth , keeping the bows in the direction of the flashing lighthouse on the White Hill of Vatster .
17 The night shift volunteer was standing next to me getting ready to come on to the phones and as I came off a call he started to chat to me .
18 It was a ploy of Lord Darlington 's to stand at this shelf studying the spines of the encyclopedias as I came down the staircase , and sometimes , to increase the effect of an accidental meeting , he would actually pull out a volume and pretend to be engrossed as I completed my descent .
19 I had no intention then , or ever after , of joining any group or ‘ movement ’ and I therefore sidestepped the Vorticists just as I sidestepped both the Imagists and the Amygists .
20 The whole operation was developing like a Grahame Greene novel as I walked up a dark country lane to the waiting car .
21 A series of falls hidden from immediate view follows the gill on the left-hand side and one May morning as I walked up the gill the falls were roaring after the heavy rains of the week before .
22 But of course , I told myself as I walked along an echoing corridor , it never did hurt nowadays .
23 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
24 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
25 It was this image that accompanied me as I walked down the rue de Fleuve , stopping for a final coup d'oeil at the squat church crouching on its gravel ground .
26 I could almost hear Werewolf 's eyebrows go up as I counted out the cash .
27 As I got nearer the Porsche I saw that during the night someone had taken a sharp instrument to the bodywork .
28 Said yeah and then I changed my mind as soon as I got out the fucking door .
29 ‘ Once I hit the 2O mile mark I started to feel stronger and my speed picked up slightly , but as I ran up the Mall towards Buckingham Palace I discovered a new meaning to the word pain .
30 If anything the sound seemed to become louder as I ran down the deck .
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