Example sentences of "as [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it is important not to become so mesmerized by them as to lose sight of the underlying social processes .
2 Or usage of the term may be extended to aspects of the macro-environment so as to include information on the economic , financial , political , legal , social , cultural and technological situations .
3 Since no firm of solicitors can ever afford to retain the services of any employee or partner whose conduct tends to reflect ill on the reputation of the practice , and since the circumstances may rarely be so clear cut as to secure withdrawal from the firm by consent , thorough consideration must be given at the outset to the conditions for expelling partners .
4 The defendant had been employed by the company as its compliance officer ; his duty it was to supervise the procedures and practices of the plaintiff so as to secure fulfilment of the regulatory requirements imposed by FIMBRA .
5 The Discussion Paper Series is intended to make research results available to economists and policy-makers quickly , so as to encourage discussion of the papers and timely application of the analyses and results they contain .
6 Topping up is by a hose , placed so as to pass water through the filter before reaching the pond .
7 It can also be a tool of social and economic policies to help the aged , the homeless , single-parent families and the handicapped to obtain housing , as well as to provide flexibility in the attraction of key workers .
8 Surely no one would be so wicked as to set fire to the place ? ’
9 The offence took its title from the French ‘ effrayer , ’ to frighten , and its essence was that the defendant deliberately took part in fighting or other acts of violence of such a character as to cause alarm to the public .
10 In the standard paradigm the two communicators are seated at a table opposite one another but separated by a screen so as to restrict communication to the verbal channel .
11 In practice , however , such arrangements have often tended to cause further confusion ( particularly for consumers ) , as well as to create acrimony between the authorities concerned .
12 It gave Anna real pain to post magazines through one new front door hinged and studded so as to resemble part of the set for a pantomime of Robin Hood , and then another , moulded and classically pedimented , between half-pilasters made of fibreglass .
13 Bell says that a contract of employment is not a contract uberrimae fidei so as to require disclosure by the employee of his own misconduct , either before he is taken into employment or during the course of his employment .
14 The Council asked " the conference to consider the extent to which the following rights [ as proposed by the Spanish government ] could be enshrined in the treaty so as to give substance to the concept of citizenship :
15 The schools , Mr Li said , must alert children to ‘ the crime committed by imperialists in their aggression against China so as to heighten vigilance against the imperialist strategy of peaceful evolution ’ .
16 A statement forms part of the res gestae of a case if it is made contemporaneously with or shortly after any act or occurrence in issue in the proceedings so as to form part of the same transaction .
17 If the court finds a credit bargain extortionate it may re-open the credit agreement so as to do justice between the parties .
18 It is only under special sets of conditions that the anomalies can develop in such a way as to undermine confidence in the paradigm .
19 Moreover , if the criminal law is to impose duties of these kinds , it should publicize them widely , so as to ensure compliance with the principle of legality .
20 An accurate account would have to have regard to all those instances where a remedy has been accorded by a state party simply to forestall a successful application and to those cases , also , where breach had been avoided in the first place by reason of adjustment of procedures so as to ensure compliance with the Convention .
21 The inclusion of SENIOR LECTURER requires such an intermediate node on the right hand side so as to keep SUBJECT at the level of LECTURER who , along with SENIOR LECTURER , will be responsible for the teaching of the SUBJECT .
22 Further or alternatively an order varying or discharging the August 1991 order so as to permit production by the [ defendants ] of the documents covered by the section 39 notice .
23 It is not intended that the SCOTVEC Sciences provision should duplicate that of the SEB but it should articulate with the SEB provision in such a way as to allow transfer between the two systems .
24 This research investigates trends in real wages and the standard of living in Northern England , so as to shed light on the effects of industrialisation , the causes of English population growth , and the origins and economic significance of the home market .
25 However the question in the present case was whether the duty of confidence which the defendant no doubt owed to the plaintiff extended so far as to bar disclosure of the report to the hospital or the Home Office .
26 For a wood glue-to be effective it has to penetrate down the tubes for some distance so as to get hold of the undamaged wood .
27 But those preparing standard assessment tasks and other assessment instruments should consider them so as to minimise bias in the task or context and guard against any preconceptions of assessors ; and any comparison of results between single-sex schools or between those with different ethnic or social class populations should be made in the light of the evidence referred to above .
28 The form must be such , however , as to confer authority for the sale of alcohol in accordance with the type of licence granted with modifications , if any , in accordance with the provisions of the Act .
29 The aim of this study is to revise the abyssal ophiuroids of the North Atlantic portraying the species likely to occur within this area so as to facilitate identification by the non specialist .
30 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
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