Example sentences of "as [v-ing] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The UK , however , is far from happy about the prospect and sees it as helping to create a paradise for criminals , terrorists and drug traffickers .
2 Milic sees this habit as having a role in Swift 's persuasive rhetoric : as helping to create an impression of consummate logical clarity .
3 He had taken part in the search that morning for a while , talked to some of the children from the school , as well as helping to organize the house-to-house .
4 In India he developed his work among students , and founded the first Christian hostel for students at the University of Poona , as well as helping to build the ashram at Poona .
5 Their appeal was that they were conceived in Keynesian terms as helping to reduce the extent to which measures to alleviate unemployment , in a largely fully employed economy , created inflation .
6 Just as cockfighting allows a world where women are rendered invisible , so Geertz 's writing creates a text where his actually present wife is ignored as a non-person .
7 Kyle , Woll and Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981 ) attribute most of these difficulties to the problem of courses in BSL which are currently provided in the UK , as tending to strengthen the Englishness of sign use among hearing people .
8 This was quite untenable to Barratt and Taylor and in a letter Taylor complained that there never had been such a requirement in any mining lease and any experienced miner would reject it as attempting to enforce an impossibility .
9 The dual purpose of the book was identified as attempting to present a view of landscape and processes in terms relevant to the student of human geography by indicating the ways in which socioeconomic and physical systems interlock and interact , and also by showing how far knowledge of the physical world and its processes is compatible with the ideas of systems theory to demonstrate areas in which research might profitably be concentrated .
10 As well as attempting to limit the work of married women , policies to protect motherhood and enhance the welfare of children extended the direct surveillance of working class women in their homes .
11 Bede presents Aethelred as abdicating to become a monk in 704 after a reign of thirty years ( HE V , 24 ) , but the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 704 ) states that he held the kingdom for twenty-nine years , that is , he died in his thirtieth year .
12 This proposal , rejected by Iran as failing to address the issue of troop withdrawals to internationally recognised boundaries , involved ( i ) direct talks between Iran and Iraq in each other 's capitals under UN auspices ; ( ii ) the unconditional release of all sick and wounded prisoners of war ( PoWs ) ; and ( iii ) the opening of the Iran-Iraq borders to allow the resumption of civilian travel , especially to each other 's Islamic shrines .
13 It came from a very smart left-hand catch by Hick , his sixth of the match , a reprimand by gesture to WCM for putting him down as having missed a catch ( Aqib ) in the Lord 's Test which actually fell an inch or two short of Hick 's fingers .
14 There is no doubt the uniform policemen see their one-time associates in the CID as having crossed a divide , while the detectives know they have joined a closed and somewhat élite family group , whose strengths include the inside support of other members of that society .
15 Similarly , on June 29th 1970 , the same newspaper reported Portuguese troops as having crossed the border from Angola in order to kidnap the inhabitants of a remote Zambian village .
16 In February 1989 , the Lord Chancellor was reported as having sought an explanation of remarks made at a dinner by Sir James Miskin , Recorder of London .
17 The presence of oxygen , not usually cited as the cause of a fire , is put forward as having caused a fire in a laboratory or a space satellite for the reason that oxygen is usually and by intention excluded from some apparatus or chamber .
18 However , an individual selling shareholder is treated ( subject as mentioned below ) as having received a capital element and , to the extent that the company is deemed to have made a distribution , an income element when he is paid the purchase price .
19 Individuals who receive such a distribution are treated as having received a payment of capital .
20 The settlor is treated as having received a sum of £100 less an amount equal to 35 per cent .
21 The shareholders are treated as having received a distribution of £100 on which tax of £20 has been paid and , assuming they will be liable for income tax at the higher rate , will have a further £20 of income tax to pay ( see s14 TA 1988 and sections 77 to 79 of the 1993 Finance Act ) .
22 In 1106 , after the death of his brother Geoffrey , Fulk of Anjou was recorded by Orderic as having received the county of Anjou from King Philip I ; his homage therefore implied feudal subordination .
23 Clause 33(1) of the Finance ( No. 2 ) Bill 1975 provided that the employee was to be treated , on receipt of a voucher , as having received an emolument from his employment of an amount ‘ equal to the expense incurred by the person providing the voucher in or in connection with the provision of the voucher and the money , goods or services for which it is capable of being exchanged . ’
24 Here also the support of the infinitive is identified with that of the finite verb and so is depicted as having realized the action of struggling with the intention of performing the infinitive event .
25 Yet in a time of " unprecedented inflation , unprecedented wage demands and an unprecedented number of strikes " ' , most groups can be considered as having limited the fall in real earnings rather than as having maintained , let alone increased them .
26 The local authorities cited so far can be described as having assimilated the care programme approach , they take it into account and perceive opportunities to be gained , but they do not appear to have changed themselves in any significant way to accommodate it .
27 A useful starting point is to note that two of the three factors just mentioned as having influenced the law 's development have little application in modern conditions .
28 Lord Roskill , in the course of a speech concurred in by Lords Fraser of Tullybelton , Edmund-Davies , Brandon of Oakbrook and Brightman , referred , at p. 331 , to Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 with apparent approval as having set out the four elements involved in the offence of theft and as having rejected the argument that there could not be theft within section 1(1) if the owner of the property had consented to the defendant 's acts .
29 She was able to manage it because Anna fancied herself as having renounced the world and because of their rather special position in England as accepted outsiders not subject to the letter of the rules .
30 In fact , the Government has chosen to provide in the TURER Bill that the employee may object to the transfer , but such objection will operate so as to terminate the employment and the transferor will not be regarded as having dismissed the employee .
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