Example sentences of "as [vb pp] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Of the other parties , the Independent Smallholders ' Party ( which had won 57 per cent of the vote in the last free election in 1945 — see p. 7600 ) , led by Istvan Prepeliczay , advocated the return of collectivized land to its owners as listed in the 1947 land register ; the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was established in October 1989 [ see p. 36960-61 ] as the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) and currently claimed 50,000-60,000 members , the first candidate on its national list being Imre Poszgay , who had acted as a catalyst for many of the reforms but who came third in the constituency where he was also standing ; and the League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) , led by Viktor Orban and claiming 5,000 members , was closely allied to the SzDSz .
2 Moreover , section 40 ( as amended by the 1989 Act ) enables a company , which has a common seal , instead to use for sealing documents evidencing securities , an ‘ official ’ seal which is the replica of its common seal with the addition of the word ‘ Securities . ’
3 In August of 1924 , the Belgian government hosted an International Conference on Maritime Law to discuss the Hague Rules as amended by the CMI .
4 Suddenly there was work for everybody and the deaf community took full advantage of this change of climate , as reported in the 1944 annual report : The effect of the war on industry has given the deaf and dumb opportunities such as they had never enjoyed for many years and it is with great pleasure that the committee places on record the excellent work the deaf Have done .
5 Pan American intended to resume its twice-weekly service to Britain as permitted under the 1937 agreement , which immediately caused anxiety at BOAC .
6 According to sources close to the negotiating process , the talks broke apart in May 1989 , when the Panamanian side made it clear that the bases would be shut down — as permitted in the 1977 treaties which call for the closing of all US bases in the year 2000 .
7 Nevertheless the manifesto was in respect of nationalisation little more than an elaboration of the party 's one-term programme as accepted at the 1937 conference , with the addition of iron and steel , which had been included as a concession to a radical resolution proposed by Ian Mikardo at the 1944 conference and carried against the advice of the platform .
8 There is no procedure for the attendance of the petitioning creditor to be dispensed with on application as applied under the 1952 Rules .
9 The tabular presentation of running costs and manpower information should follow the layout as presented in the 1989 Public Expenditure White Paper .
10 In October 1990 the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ( ESCAP ) warned that the rate of destruction of Asia 's rainforests had reached 50,000 sq km annually as against 20,000 sq km as reckoned during the 1980s .
11 It recommended that the second stage of the process towards EMU , as envisaged in the 1989 Delors plan [ see p. 36598 ] , should begin on Jan. 1 , 1993 , and should be as short as possible .
12 The table below shows the extent to which the amount of radioactive fallout from the Windscale cloud in 16 English counties ( as measured by the iodine-131 fallout ) correlates with the rate of leukaemia deaths .
13 At the March 28 meeting the Cabinet also approved a draft resolution to increase , by nomination , the number of parliamentary deputies from 99 to 108 ( as agreed under the 1989 Taif charter — see p. 36986 ) .
14 Tree removal in such a system , as occurred in the 1607–1900 period of US history , will inevitably lead to forest demise , but if the ecological system is carefully managed there are large-scale opportunities to reap a timber harvest without jeopardising sustainability .
15 This failed to meet the demand for the forcible removal of the barricades , as advanced by the 7,000 white residents of the Chateauguay suburb adjacent to the Mercier bridge ( some of whom had regularly assembled during the siege to burn Mohawk effigies , and had participated in attacks on Indians fleeing the adjoining Kahnawake reservation ) .
16 They claimed the first Tardis , as used in the 1963 series starring William Hartnell , collapsed 16 years ago .
17 To be successful the remedy should match the totality of the patient 's symptoms and signs as closely as possible — as demonstrated in the three separate cases of influenza .
18 In 1982 , the Joint Liberal/SDP Commission for Constitutional Reform calculated that if in England there was , as compared to the 1979 general election , an even switch of votes from the Labour and Conservative Parties to the Alliance such that each of the three groupings secured 33 per cent of the vote , then the Alliance would still only gain 56 seats as compared to 207 for the Conservatives and 253 for Labour .
19 The Perkins 4 ( no of cylinders ) 236 ( size in cub inches ) will fit into a LR but in a four cylinder such as yours space is limited and it is a tight fit The six cylinder with the extra room in the engine bay allows the engine to fit more easily The 189 Ibf h torque as compared to the 103 Ibf h of its original engine will certainly find any weakness in the transmission , the S2A gearbox will handle it better than an S3
20 There are a total of 26 simple instructions in RISC as compared with the 243 in the VAX complex instruction set and there are no addressing modes .
21 Histamine had no effect on the in vitro growth of the colorectal cell lines : LoVo and C170 as assessed by the two assays ( data not shown ) .
22 Intestinal permeability , as assessed by the 5 1 Cr EDTA test , was greater ( p<0.01 ) after treatment loperamide oxide but there was no difference in the absorption of lactulose/rhamnose ( Table III ) .
23 Of course , some of these difficulties may be surmounted if the structure of Whitehall is itself radically altered , with departmental policy-making effectively separated from executive functions carried out by semi-autonomous agencies as proposed in the 1988 Ibbs Next Steps Report ( see Chapter 2 ) .
24 As notified at the nine months , however , General Accident has now withdrawn from non-marine treaty business having significantly reduced its exposure to that section of the London Market earlier in the year .
25 First , that non-climatic influences ( including the distribution of natural resources ) are likely to dominate at the regional level , as evidenced by the 10–200 fold variation in national per capital GNP values within 10° latitude bands .
26 XH671 Sweet Sue of 55 Squadron , saw extensive use in the Gulf War as evidenced by the 41 ‘ petrol pumps ’ stencilled on the nose , denoting operational tanking missions during the conflict .
27 As the '91 World Cup unfolded Canada 's strength in depth , at least as represented by the 26 players who travelled to France , emerged as a major asset .
28 Casting aside the aspiration to Home Rule as no longer acceptable , Sinn Fein set as its goal an Irish Republic as declared in the 1916 Proclamation .
29 There is , however , another element which has been frequently misunderstood , as indicated in the 1969 paper : the continued occupation with a serious lowering of living standards .
30 Following the allegations of fraud in the July 1989 legislative and municipal elections in five states [ see p. 36811 ] an independent tribunal ruled in September that the left-wing nationalist Democratic Revolutionary Party ( Partido de la Revolución Democrática — PRD ) had in fact won 14 of the 18 seats in the state legislature in Michoacán , as opposed to the six initially conceded to the PRD against 12 for the ruling PRI , and that there had been widespread voting irregularities in the other four states .
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