Example sentences of "as [noun prp] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Later they found a small , quiet restaurant on the outskirts of the city , and Shannon could n't help but notice the admiring glances of male diners and waiters as Marianne swayed into the room .
2 He looked up as Trent came into the room .
3 She blinked and looked up , smiling , as Jim wandered into the room with a handful of X-rays .
4 Zeno heard the difference and half turned as Pascoe stepped into the beam of the spotlight .
5 Suddenly , as Sophie pulled into the drive of Broom House , her pent-up feelings collapsed into cold black depression .
6 Suddenly , her thoughts materialised as David came into the room , bringing a cold blast of air from the outer hallway .
7 As David walked into the canteen one of them said , ‘ Here comes Major Tom ’ .
8 And as Lucy walked into the house , Paula looked right through me .
9 Mossadeq received him in bed ; he fluttered his hands as Harriman came into the room and launched into a fluting tirade against the British .
10 They rose in panic as Tallis blundered into the shrine , but settled again , crying loudly , too bloated to fly far .
11 STEVE CRAWLEY staged a one-man demolition show as Oxton raced into the quarter-finals of the Cheshire Cup .
12 As Eva went into the hostels she realised the Salvation Army was not there to turn people into converts , but that their work must be an extension of Christ 's love : " Jesus Christ did n't say to the man who was filled with many devils — the schizophrenic — " If you follow me I 'll cure you .
13 It was Ana who came forward as Maggie came into the room , and clearly she did not let her blindness get in the way of being hostess for her brother .
14 Rose exclaimed as Ellie walked into the kitchen .
15 The trouble with you , Katherine Jardine , is that you look too good in anything and everything , ’ Portia said wistfully as Katherine slipped into the borrowed blue silk dress with ruched sleeves .
16 She watched from the unlit half-landing window as Maurice climbed into the Mercedes , its rear lights blurred and twin exhausts clouding in the misty air .
17 ‘ Trauma and some tissue damage , ’ he said , snapping to attention as Ace peered into the pod .
18 She stood aside as Ace floated into the cabin , and without any preliminary checks she started to shut down the spacesuit 's systems .
19 She turned as Helen came into the room .
20 She broke off as Fred came into the room .
21 As Ludovico shuffled into the kitchen , Constance waited fearfully on the landing .
22 She dragged herself to her feet as Penry came into the room , wearing a dressing-gown .
23 A nasty suspicion presented itself to her as Rune drove into the courtyard outside his flat , parking the car neatly .
24 Jill rose to her feet from behind the desk as Lindsey came into the ward .
25 I was too drunk and , as Broussac disappeared into the darkness , Capote and myself were seized and held until the night watch arrived .
26 He and Athelstan rose as Gaunt swept into the room .
27 She sat without protest in the passenger seat as Donaldson clambered into the back to sit on a narrow sideways bench , thinking to himself this is n't real , it is n't happening .
28 Maggie gripped Felipe 's hand as Ana rode into the arena on her white horse .
29 Now me , I 'm firmly on Ana 's side , ’ she finished as Ana walked into the room with a smile on her face .
30 As Craig disappeared into the darkness , Hari hurried into the kitchen .
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