Example sentences of "as [pron] did [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have never felt so unhappy in my life as I did on that short airlift to Dibrugarh , leaving Burma almost entirely in the hands of the Japanese , and knowing how many hundreds of people were stranded on the railway line below Myitkyina .
2 I never wanted my Mum so much in my life as I did at that moment .
3 Precisely why he had been sent to Tonga — what special knowledge or circumstance — was never explained and , sitting as I did for many an evening on the veranda of the magnificent old Residency , watching the fireflies and listening to the surf booming on the reef , I was not too sorely tempted to enquire .
4 ‘ I played nearly as many games in a week for Leicester as I did in six years for Leeds , ’ he says .
5 Am I just once again to write , as I did in 1916 , a book of amiable daydreams , which everyone will ignore ?
6 The logical extension of this approach is to propose ( as I did in 1987 ) that medieval singers regarded an a cappella performance as ideal for their most serious and worthwhile songs the High Style lyrics of the troubadours and trouvères .
7 ‘ The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
8 When I fight I go on to the end , as I did in 1926 . ’
9 I think it is best to suck it off with one of those tiny battery-powered vacuum cleaners you can get for about a tenner these days , as I did in this case .
10 If you eventually failed to agree at that level , then you would have to register failure to agree as you did in all other cases you know , leading up to that stage .
11 erm it may be that erm because of my generation , but you do n't get the same sort of personalities nowadays as you did in those days , erm Mr for instance he was , he was a most benign sort of erm fellow of what one would describe as a real gentleman mm , mind you he used to have his paddies at times but
12 It is true that Frances Hodgson Burnett probably also put into the character of Marco , as she did with that of Cedric Errol , something of her own feelings for her dead son Lionel .
13 Lydia felt strongly that the author of the universe probably thought much as she did about sexual matters .
14 I expect he hoped to have as little as possible to do with her , but when she made a dead set at him , as she did at all young married men , that was no longer possible .
15 If she decides to forgive and forget , as she did after previous takeover attempts , she might not be able to rein in the military .
16 She ran for her life , never seeing the figure detach itself from the wall , as she did in that far off childhood nightmare .
17 Thank you very much for that question , I think it is an important one , because we looked at our international work , as we did at all our work , over the period that we were considering reorganisation .
18 The change in net debt , er worth referring worth mentioning minus three point three million that much worse would have been significantly lower thirty five million or so lower if we 'd had the same year end exchange rate as we did in nineteen ninety one .
19 I am assuming the £6M will be raised if we carry on in 1988 as we did in 1987 , improving distribution of course and encouraging people but doing nothing to undermine what individuals , churches and committees do already .
20 Now , with sales of around 2,600 cars a year , we could actually make the same profits as we did in 1990 with 3,300 sales . ’
21 She could be pretty , she decided , if her hair were not so tightly scraped back from her face and if her eyes shone with eagerness , as they did at this moment .
22 Such gestures appealed to many Romanians , as they did to Western observers anxious to see Ceauşescu as a ‘ patriot ’ and reformer .
23 Sometimes she saw the three of them as expatriates , stranded in some remote colony , obstinately adhering to old customs , a lost way of life , as they did to old forms of worship .
24 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
25 Standing at a safe distance , my eyeballs popped at the sight of the rich variety of penises on show , ranging as they did from dainty chipolatas to Bowyer 's jumbo sausages , with a few unfortunate specimens doing impersonations of mummified button mushrooms left for dead at the bottom of a refrigerator .
26 Further , if the pound had been devalued in 1964 or 1966 , it is likely that the trade unions would have resisted the cut in real wages which devaluation implies , as they did after 1967 .
27 Low interest rates are inflationary only when they coincide with an overheating economy as they did in 1987–8 .
28 However , spectators , who are expected to number over 100,000 during the practice and match days , will have no cause to complain about viewing facilities — as they did in 1989 .
29 However , spectators , who are expected to number over 100,000 during the practice and match days , will have no cause to complain about viewing facilities — as they did in 1989 .
30 They are conceding almost twice as many points per game as they did in 1991 and quarterback Stan Gelbaugh is not moving his offense as efficiently as last year .
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