Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A good many people suffered minor injuries in consequence ; but I believe those who suffered injuries were as nothing compared to those who wished to sustain an honourable contusion or bruise , or who , to make the whole setting more dramatic , lay on the ground as if laid out for dead without any injury at all .
2 But they did that to me when I was their age and now as soon as I get to fourteen when when you can , when you can , when you could do that And now today it 's not fair .
3 And er there r there are no real er gentry in Orkney you see , and you 'll always find that if anybody gets a a a Well as I said to one boy here , I said to him look here I said your old grandfather worked in that shop till his backside was hanging out his brigs .
4 Somebody said , well the Harbourmaster 's not coming , I said , right go back to work and that 's the time I , that 's the time when we had the first baby and erm , that 's the first one we lost and anyhow they put me off for a fortnight and erm I went down to , I say go up the Board of Guardians , that was like the D H S S but a little bit lower and I just start to buy this house soon as I said to this bloke , he live in the council house over here this bloke , what was interviewing me
5 The objectives give us a way of er measuring at the end of the course whether the course has achieved for you what you wanted from we 'll come back as I said to those this afternoon and and just review them to see that you got out of the course what you .
6 What I am feeling as I listen to this is a strange movement in the undergrowth immediately in front of me ; a smile spreading inside my beard …
7 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
8 looking at the interviewer as you speak to each other ;
9 One little ‘ running yourself in ’ problem may occur as you switch to this healthier pattern of eating .
10 ( 7 ) Whenever you come across a mortgage or a charge put " M " prominently in the margin ; tick this as you come to any subsequent statutory receipt or other discharge .
11 It becomes an important part of tactics on upwind legs as you get to higher standards .
12 if it 's as close as you like to zero ,
13 Ah , but what about this remarkable new diet formula from America which tells you that you can eat vast quantities of melon and chicken , or spinach and prunes , or pineapple , or whatever , as long as you keep to this one food , or this combination of two foods , for the whole day ?
14 As she listened to other speakers , Hindu , Buddhist , Muslim , she realised there was great similarity .
15 glasses as soon as she went to another
16 Reacting to him physically , just as she used to all those years ago .
17 As she talked to key people and travelled round Britain on her preliminary fact-finding tour she discovered she had a big area of ignorance .
18 They spoke as one speaks to distracted children or incapable old people , who do not look or listen .
19 A significant variance could be defined as one amounting to more than a given percentage of the budget but which is not explained by the general level of prices , i.e. inflation or deflation .
20 The amount of discretion relative to the amount of prescribed action only increases as one moves to higher occupational strata , thus allowing the enlargement and fulfilment of personal needs .
21 We bring to our working relationships the same potential for disordered conduct as we bring to any other area of our lives .
22 As we listened to several playbacks in the control-room , this approach was certainly paying dividends in the slow movement , with its particular mood of hushed reminiscence .
23 Thus it does seem that the sequence of more and more refined theories should have some limit as we go to higher and higher energies , so that there should be some ultimate theory of the universe .
24 It contains an uncountable infinity of dense trajectories ; these are trajectories which pass as close as we like to all trajectories in the strange invariant set .
25 ( 1 ) No single trajectory , nor any subset of the strange invariant set , is stable ; we can find trajectories , as close as we like to any trajectory in the strange invariant set , which leave B U S u T in both forwards and backwards time .
26 ( We can construct doubly infinite sequences of Ts and Ss which contain every possible finite sequence of Ts and Ss ; the trajectories corresponding to these sequences pass as close as we like to any other trajectory in the invariant set. ) ( 4 ) Periodic orbits are dense in the strange invariant set .
27 As we switch to this system , two charges may initially appear on the same statement .
28 As we listen to these phrases that rolled so easily off the tongue , and which have also rolled on down through history to our own time , we must make a special effort to remember very carefully just who the men were who engineered the Garotter 's Act — what kind of men they were ; what kind of times they lived in ; and what forces helped to shape their upright moral certitude .
29 Prior to getting around to the job I have to do , and that is to honour those men that gave their lives so that we could be free , I 'd like to just share a few things with you as we return to this wonderful country .
30 PROVINCIAL LIFE as such is now left behind as we turn to various types of connections between it and the political and cultural centres of Russia .
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