Example sentences of "as [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After all , Mercurius was the tutelary deity of the Art , and it was of his very nature to beguile and confuse in this manner ; but she could take no comfort from the knowledge , for she must pursue him as through a hall of mirrors , from one bride-chamber to the next , and at each remove he shifted shape with such dispiriting agility that , again and again , she might have cried out loud for rest .
2 This would enable them to recharge their yacht 's batteries equally well when sailing through the doldrums as through a gale in the North Atlantic .
3 Tenure is now only important as between a lessor for a term of years and his lessee .
4 There will be races for both men and women , as well as for a variety of different age categories .
5 As for a version for the Sparc , Jobs said he 'd love to port to this chip but that Scott McNealy has said ‘ I 'd rather stick needles in my eyes than work with NeXT . ’
6 He had practised in the car , but there was no money for lessons and as for a car of his own !
7 As for a statement on ESAs in Scotland , I shall have to raise the matter with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland , which I shall do .
8 What had seemed an innocuous and perfectly reasonable suggestion was answered with a moan as of a child in pain .
9 The Parliament itself , staunch advocate since 1983 of a federal European Union , urged that the two concepts of EMU and Political Union should be merged in a single Treaty on European Union , and won the vital support of France and Germany , as well as of a majority of other countries .
10 There was a moment 's quietness , as of a grace before a meal , and then the mare stepped sweetly forward from leg to hand .
11 Thus , to grasp properly the significance of popular dancing in the mid-nineteenth century — the waltz , for example — it is necessary to look not only at the waltz culture of the popular classes but also at such factors as : the peasant sources of the waltz ; the use made of those sources in bourgeois culture ; the changing social relations involved in the growth of industrial capitalism , to which the romanticizing of popular culture found in bourgeois waltzing , together with its cultivation of an explicit sensuality , was probably a reaction ; the tendency of the social developments to result in the atomization of established collective social patterns and modes of corporeal expression , leading , among avant-garde composers , to a music more overtly of thought and feeling , as against a music of social gesture ; the way these same composers , by way of reaction to that situation , incorporated spiritualized versions of dance elements in their music .
12 Perhaps the Chancellor , when he winds up , will he confirm that we have maintained a huge , if diminishing , trade deficit with the EC , amounting to a total loss since 1978 — if my figures are correct — of £54,270 million , as against a profit in trade with the rest of the world of £75,186 million .
13 as against a Group of Seven average of 4.6 per cent .
14 Ader Tajan , the company in which Jacques Tajan is a partner along with auctioneers , brothers Remi and Antoine Ader , is expected to record business of FFr319 million for 1992 as against a target of FFr350 million and nearly three times as much when the market peaked in 1989 .
15 These include : the postmodern as a tendency within the modern ; a notion of the ‘ sublime ’ and postmodernism 's related freedom from dependence on the concept of totality ; a distinction between the postmodern conceived in terms of the externalised and impersonal as against a view of the modern as characterised by the internal and ‘ impressionist ’ ; and a claim that it is the characteristic of the postmodern to signify figurally rather than discursively ( ? ) .
16 Mr Michael Rowley , finance director , said the group had foreseen the problems and had made an effort to increase income from interest , which came in at £64,000 as against a charge of £78,000 at the halfway stage last year .
17 This opposition , expressed in terms of adult education , seems out of all proportion given that most women can expect to spend at most three or four hours a week in women-only classes as against a lifetime in the world of men .
18 Section 7(2) prevents the exclusion of liability as against a consumer for breach of warranties arising by implication of law from the form of the contract as to the goods ' correspondence to description or sample , or their quality or fitness for any particular purpose .
19 In the seven major countries the only periods of majority left governments between 1950 and 1973 were those of Wilson in the United Kingdom ( 1964–70 ) and Brandt in Germany ( 1970–3 ) , yet spending on welfare rose under Macmillan , Adenauer , de Gaulle , under both Nixon and Kennedy , as well as under a succession of Italian and to some extent even Japanese prime ministers of the right .
20 Edward came back , dropped the planks , and stared at the kiln as into a mirror of his own increasing frustration .
21 She plunged into the noise as into a tank of water .
22 Interviews with government and university bodies , as well as with a sample of teachers in training , will be carried out ( in Swahili ) while the investigator is attached , as a participant-observer , to the Institute of Swahili Research , Dar es Salaam , during May — August 1985 .
23 As with a question of fact , the more informed judgement could be the mistaken one .
24 Capital flight has as much to do with political structures as with a loss of confidence .
25 The department studies the Church 's history with the aid of other relevant disciplines , for example , social , political and economic history and social anthropology , as well as with a sensitivity to theological perspectives .
26 Well , I mean , it 's a sticky wicket for them anyway politically and I suspect as with a lot of legislation quite recently they simply have n't spent the time in committee and in consultation to iron out the details and they 've come unstuck when it 's come into the public domain and it 's been easy for people to throw up the paradoxes that are coming up from the legislation , the moral paradoxes .
27 As with a number of other regions , a number of these early mill sites were in the hands of religious foundations , such as the Benedictines and Cistercian Orders who , up to the time of their suppression in the 16th century , owned as many mills as any of the estates or manors in Britain .
28 As with a number of similar literary-based projects around in Hollywood at a time when mainstream studios were trying to discover what to do next after the demise of musical and religious epics , it was not a success .
29 As with a number of shafted weapons , it was used from the eleventh to the seventeenth century .
30 As with a number of other computer companies , Pick has discovered that there are brains to be hired that previously worked in academia , the military , government and even the KGB .
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