Example sentences of "as [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If the military do n't use the area often , they can not cause as much distress to the natural environment as opening it to the public would .
2 Its primary concern is to find out what its customers needs and wants are so as to meet them with the highest level of customer satisfaction .
3 The EC defines people in poverty as those whose ‘ resources are so small as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life of the member state in which they live ’ .
4 He says that that it 's a good way of introducing youngsters to trials riding , as well as keeping them off the streets .
5 The general principle contemplates a model of a patient of an age recognized as endowing him with the competence to exercise a valid choice , and who is lucid in the sense not only that he regards himself as being in control of his mental faculties , but also that he is recognized to be so by others .
6 It 's understandable that they can admire academics , but that 's not quite the same as loving them for the person they are . ’
7 Resolution 44/29 of Dec. 4 , adopted without a vote , recognized that the " effectiveness of the struggle against terrorism could be enhanced by the establishment of a generally agreed definition of international terrorism " so as to differentiate it from the struggle of peoples for national liberation .
8 Leech was examined on 18th August 1669 to see if he was able " to instruct the youth so far as to fit them for the universities " by a panel composed of Dr. Slater , Mr. Watson ( Schoolmaster of Sutton 's Hospital ) , Mr. Holmes ( Schoolmaster of Christ 's Hospital ) , and Mr. Crumland ( a master from St. Paul 's ) .
9 Barbara Davies writes : ‘ It is astonishing how Somerville , as well as feeding us on the meagre wartime rations , saw to it that we had our full ration of tutorials ; and that University lectures were given in the Arts subjects when almost all the male academics had departed for the forces or war-work .
10 Cuddling on the couch with your husband in front of other people is frowned upon just as much as kissing him in the street .
11 Hanging the pump on strong elastic is an additional way of reducing the noise , as well as locating it above the tank 's water level for safety .
12 It would not allow it to be enforced against the promisor ; and if property had been transferred , the recipient was treated as holding it for the benefit of the person who had parted with it , and as bound to restore it .
13 Again , a person who acquires property for his own benefit by taking advantage of his position as trustee will be treated as holding it for the benefit of those entitled under the trust .
14 It is likely to attract criticism from members on the grounds that it exploits the plight of the unemployed by using them as cheap labour at the same time as removing them from the unemployment statistics .
15 Groups come together for a specific reason and this reason should run like a thread through the liturgy as well as linking it to the whole community of the Church .
16 That 's what they were doing , and then if you made too much slate this month , the following month they 'd drop your bonus down , so as to see as to keep you on the same level , so you could n't go any higher if you if you had good slate and worked your guts out .
17 As well as having it in the luxury class , I now also include it in the practical , hard-wearing , well worth-the-effort class !
18 The persons surveyed were certainly eminent , but mostly people ( even politicians ! ) whose achievements were rarely so enduring as to place them in the class apart to which we would assign the truly original thinkers in history .
19 I intended the word liberal to mean ‘ free ’ , not as identifying me with the almost defunct Liberal Party of that epoch .
20 What heartened as well as chastened me about the letter was his wish to see more of my writing .
21 In the event that the trustee is able to pay 100p in the pound to creditors and still has funds available , creditors are not under any duty then to seek to claim , in addition , the VAT so as to pay it over the HM Customs and Excise ( Re TH Knitwear ( Wholesale ) Ltd ( 1988 ) 4 BCC 102 ) .
22 Moreover , it will not be long before common-or-garden programs can vary the weight and shape of letters instantaneously , as well as setting them on the page .
23 They are each highly effective if the body evolves in such a way as to exploit them to the full .
24 Lord Lane said it would be unlawful to detain a child ‘ for such period or periods or in such circumstances as to take it outside the realm of reasonable parental discipline ’ .
25 If , however , such a revaluation were required , say , 20 years hence , the same house in band D would probably remain a band D house , provided that its relative position within the range of property values had not changed so much as to take it outwith the new parameters for that band .
26 Where training is provided by humanities computing or computing science departments , there are pressures to dress it up in formal scientific terms so as to legitimize it in the eyes of the surrounding scientific community .
27 During a series of meetings with US President Bush , the US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney and the US Secretary of State James Baker , Moiseyev was informed that the USA would refuse to accept the reclassification of three Soviet motorized divisions as naval coastal units so as to exempt them from the terms of the treaty [ see p. 38027 ] .
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