Example sentences of "as [verb] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The LIFESPAN Meta PI routines are so called because they provide a VMS command interface to LIFESPAN in a similar way to the Procedural Interface ( PI ) routines , but unlike PI they are supplied as executables for performing the following specific functions : Update Baseline , Directory Integrity Check , and Type Module .
2 Strikes which damage the innocent are as justified in achieving the stated aim as burning heretics .
3 Mary Poppins , manageress of the Cramlington Fund , sold an index future , and purchased the basket of shares in the index costing £60 000 in exactly the same proportions as used in computing the index .
4 Every manager has a responsibility towards the organisation as a whole , and must define the activities of his own unit so as to contribute towards achieving the organisation 's objectives .
5 Every manager has a responsibility towards the organisation as a whole , and must define the activities of his own unit so as to contribute towards achieving the organisation 's objectives .
6 Later in July seven men were arrested as suspects in planning the attack , while its alleged organiser , N. Varathan ( 32 ) , was reported in early August to have committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule to evade arrest .
7 er sale occurred when they went through the electrical register and asked people who lived in flats whether they wanted a green cone , they did n't even have a garden , let alone a window box but nevertheless erm I the green cone extends ought to be reported on , ought to be encouraged and such like because it is the individual person who is going to recycle using their own garden in their own small way as opposed to transporting the stuff maybe to a waste tip and such like where it has to be dealt with at a an expensive way and if a the best part of the expense of dealing with waste of course is actually to transport and transport throughout the roads and if you do it in your own gardens so much the better and I , I , I should like to er and taking part in the green cone experiment er further experiments like that whereby the individual person is encouraged to do it .
8 To be admissible as an aid to construction , as opposed to determining the mischief , it is submitted that a statement must be a clear expression of the legislative intention in adopting the structure or language of the provision which falls to be construed or interpreted .
9 As opposed to staining the wood and then varnishing it with
10 He justifies this implicit raising of the required standard partly in order to encourage pupils to continue caring about geography lessons ( as opposed to reading the newspapers ) and partly because it would be unfair to give pupils taking geography a better chance of reaching university than pupils taking , say , physics under the war-time difficulties caused by shortage of laboratories and physics teachers .
11 for additional land as opposed to recycling the existing land .
12 If we want to tell the gospel story as drama , as opposed to elucidating the truths of revelation in dogmatic theological form , then we have to take the story as it comes , neat .
13 Not only is it hard to see how the buyer can then bring an action for breach of contract , as opposed to invoking the express remedies of the clause , but , even if he were able to , there is no reason why general exclusion clauses capping liability or excluding liability for economic loss should not be effective , since they would then only have to pass the reasonableness test .
14 ‘ What we are working on is a mist which the mice breath in as opposed to pouring the complex into the trachea .
15 Development of the social services was seen as concentrating on improving the Big Four — unemployment insurance , workmen 's compensation , health insurance and old-age pensions — which provided against the ‘ interruption of earnings ’ which caused five-sixths of the want in Britain before the war .
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