Example sentences of "as [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is also a good deal of bottled-up passion in him , as witnessed in a brilliant mock-rejection scene with Hal .
2 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
3 ‘ Power ’ is not central to orthodox elite analysis ; structures , constraints , functions and ideology all may play their part in elite theories , but ‘ power ’ ( except in self-confessed revisionists of pluralism like Presthus and Bachrach ) , if not quite the grand absentee , is understood as given in a particular way .
4 Yet another view regards it as formed in a similar manner from the gonopods of the 10th abdominal segment .
5 More accurately , it should be said : relationships as could be phantasised as happening in a happy family .
6 While the list could undoubtedly be extended , the eight chosen here all have great weight , and not one of them is really imaginable as appearing in a pre-conciliar Roman document .
7 It is necessary because we can not see the mental and the behavioural as related in a non-contingent way .
8 They conceived that what they represented was accurate : Henry V as a play genuinely celebrating the national character , the Elizabethans were imagined as believing in a stable world order .
9 Because of maintaining an apparently different brand of theism , Hinduism is often viewed by those whose main contact is with the Near Eastern religions either as atheist or as believing in a different god or gods .
10 I visualized Alison as living in a classic North Oxford mansion set on a bosky avenue amid the murmuring of innumerable dons , so I was surprised to find myself directed up the hill to Headington .
11 Meanwhile , less than a mile away , Therapy ? are happily getting as drunk as newts in a British style pub bar celebrating yours truly 's latest bastard birthday .
12 Its object is concerned with inflation , with preventing or restraining a general fall in the value of money , as seen in a general rise in prices — however difficult it may be to attach a precise concept to a ‘ general rise ’ in prices .
13 In the latter case one is confronted by something like a functioning assembly which needs to be dismantled and analysed before it can be understood , whereas in the former case one has something much more like an ‘ exploded ’ view of things as seen in a working drawing .
14 But the chances are , too , that if at the beginning you saw yourself as writing a crime novel and no more , then you will have spoilt the novel you eventually turned out to have produced , as well as causing in a good many of your readers a subtle feeling of disappointment .
15 Laing points out that this approach generates a lot of ideas , many of which will be worthless , as happens in a brainstorming session .
16 Skittle table , as shown in a 1934 Woodworker ( right ) and Ralph Sinnott 's design , which will feature in a future issue ( top )
17 Another example of the multivariate approach is provided by Webber and Craig ( 1978 ) who used 40 variables from the 1971 Small Area Statistics Census data to classify the British population into six main family types and a number of sub-clusters , making 30 groups altogether , as shown in a simplified form in Figure 5.6 .
18 It is necessary to investigate examples of theory and practice in community languages provision as offered in a wide range of local education authorities and to review these examples in the light of the accumulated experience .
19 The change was widely reported as bringing into question the government 's commitment to the phasing out of nuclear energy by 2010 , as approved in a 1980 referendum [ see pp. 30335 ; 30994 ; 34831 ] .
20 The " ticket " of Clinton , 46 , and Gore , 44 , was widely hailed as ushering in a new generation of leaders .
21 V. iv , death of Richard as performed in a private theatre , PP 49 .
22 Electromagnetic energy can be thought of as moving in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light .
23 As notified in a recent Staff Bulletin , the Library Advisory Committee ( LAC ) has been expanded , and two of its four annual meetings would be open to all staff .
24 The seventh degree being flat will give you more of a blues feel , as opposed to the normal seventh as found in a major seventh chord ( 1st , 3rd , 5th and 7th ) which I discussed in my July ‘ 92 column .
25 Bedroom furniture with the same warm hue makes use of every possible inch of space ( often as restricted in a modern town home as in a country cottage ) .
26 The area surrounding Monboddo must have contained an aerodrome at some stage , perhaps during wartime , as evidenced in a few remaining Nissen huts , now filled with old packing cases and pallets , and undistinguished , domestic timber artefacts of all sorts .
27 They will also clarify whether such difficulties are best seen as an exaggerated form of more normal occurrences , or as arising in a different way from the mistakes made by normal people .
28 If young attachés were unpaid this made it more difficult to treat them as cogs in a bureaucratic machine .
29 In Soho , Karsten Schubert 's exhibition of Keith Coventry 's ten Suprematist paintings , which were previewed at the Cologne Art Fair and superimpose the colours of the leading racist football clubs as identified in a Fascist magazine over a recreation of Malevich 's white Suprematist painting , ends shortly ( to 6 February ) , and is followed by a new series of sculptures designed by Michael Landy ( 10 February-6 March ) .
30 Also , some modification to the program will be needed if one address is used for both speed and direction control , as discussed in a previous Interface article .
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