Example sentences of "as [noun] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Lisa pushed the door open she felt a rush of antipathy at the sight of the dark figure seated behind the desk .
2 As Lisa pulled the door open Josey stepped out into the night … and literally came within a hair 's breadth of walking straight into the tall dark figure who was striding up the path .
3 And it was as Doyle swung the car out into the traffic again that he glimpsed the girl from the oriental-art shop .
4 A flicker of hope stirred to life , although it was accompanied by a shiver of horror , as Isabel saw the evil hidden once again behind the truth .
5 Saskia tossed her burden into Tabitha 's hands as Mogul shut the door .
6 And as Morse left the pathology block , a quiet little smile of confidence could be seen around the chief inspector 's lips .
7 Ashenden himself now sat back in his armchair , crossed his lanky legs , and watched with slightly narrowed eyes as Morse took the sheet from him and proceeded to read the reconstructed conversation :
8 Iskandara had changed into black taffeta and her mother 's diamonds and James wore plaid trousers and a velvet jacket and a collar he loathed almost as much as Alexandra loathed the pudding , a high stiffened wing collar around which Murray had tied a bow tie of black grosgrain .
9 As Sheila told the story , everyone joined in her laughter , as though they too were remembering a shared experience , Annie too .
10 It had been a devastating rebuke from the quiet little fellow from California ; and as Sheila watched the hurt face of the formidable little woman from the same State ( was n't it the same Church , too ? ) , she almost felt a tinge of sympathy for Mrs Janet Roscoe .
11 Just as Luce reached the end there was a knock , and Rosa came in , carrying a dinner-tray .
12 This interaction between writer and reader is legitimately described as tragic insofar as literature becomes the site in which the reader is confronted by the tragedy of his/her social condition .
13 There were the droning of the engines of six hundred odd Dorniers , the screeches of the bombs as they dropped , the wail of the ambulance sirens , and the crash of the explosions as bombs hit the target .
14 Large double beds are rare in Amsterdam as hoteliers prefer the flexibility of separate beds which can be pulled together if desired .
15 If , like many of us , you ca n't lay hand son the exact title and date of publication DO NOT be deterred but add contextualising detail of the kind which will help librarians as well as researchers to locate the item eg , size ( in a great fat book ) ; colour ( bluey-green cover with photos … ) ; age ( quite old now I suppose , have n't seen it in bookshops for ages … ) .
16 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
17 Just as Stewart reached the end of his term at Yonder , news began to filter through of his engagement — to a nurse at Tewkesbury General .
18 Waving from the shore as Bounder crosses the finish line
19 Li Yuan might as well try to harness Change itself as try to force the boy 's talents to conform to the needs of State .
20 ‘ Do n't forget to phone when you have the chance , ’ Myra said , shrugging her shoulders helplessly as Roman opened the door .
21 As Ben turned the boat into the tiny , box-like harbour the two sailors looked up from where they sat on the steps mending their nets and smiled .
22 Hendrique looked up as Sabrina entered the dining car .
23 The fact that striker Mark Hughes was dismissed in the 88th minute for a second bookable offence was almost forgotten as Ferguson reviewed the disaster .
24 The fact that striker Mark Hughes was dismissed in the 88th minute for a second bookable offence was almost forgotten as Ferguson reviewed the disaster .
25 As bidding pushed the price up , kennel manager , Clive Saddler put in a final offer of £105,000 , which was accepted .
26 Rohmer was already moving to join them as Cardiff replaced the telephone receiver and pushed away from the reception desk .
27 The Police Constable with the bloodied nose blew into his handkerchief , glaring at Jimmy as Cardiff left the room with Lawrence .
28 ‘ You ca n't keep him waiting , Sister , ’ said David , as Sister left the bedside .
29 While emphasising that he had not reached any firm conclusions , Lord Donaldson 's voice will be a powerful one in behind-the-scenes manoeuvres as rules governing the exercise of the new advocacy rights are hammered out away from the parliamentary battlefield .
30 LAZIO striker Karlheinz Riedle scored a superb headed hat-trick as Germany beat the United States at Soldier Field , Chicago but it was a close-run thing .
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